Show-me Account Talk

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My Glock is on hold until this is washed out. Plus it is going to kill my personal account fully funding the Roths.
I received my 10 year US federal service pin today. It came in a box with a MADE IN HONGKONG sticker right on the front, wtf lmao but it's really pretty sad.

I spent 5 Years with the USBP. The politicians don't want it to stop, it doesn't benifit either party to stop it. Just a little pretend show they put on for the masses.
I received my 10 year US federal service pin today. It came in a box with a MADE IN HONGKONG sticker right on the front, wtf lmao but it's really pretty sad.

I spent 5 Years with the USBP. The politicians don't want it to stop, it doesn't benifit either party to stop it. Just a little pretend show they put on for the masses.

That is rich! lol
I was gone all day to the city to do my annual cancer screening. Beings it was a snow day they had a few cancellations. City folks don't like to drive in snow. It was 120 miles each way. I digress, while I was there I had them cut off a lesion that had me concerned.

When I saw the market at Best Buy, while I was testing out their wireless laptop connection. I was floored that the S&P was up 20 points. To the Olive Garden I went with my bride and then back to the clinic for the procedure.

I moved to the G fund in case they nicked a artery. :nuts: lol No seriously it was right over my carotid artery and with this being my fifth time under the knife for my neck and my tenth total, I was not taking any chances with my wife and kids inheritance no matter how minor the procedure.

Results in a week or two.

Back to the GAME at hand. Rally looked like a great opportunity to buy a short. Looking at EFU for my SCOTTRADE ROTH!!! It is sitting above the 20 dma and is a ripe ETF for the picking.

EFU is the 2X inverse ETF for the EAFE or I Fund. Doesn't that sound like fun? :laugh: EFA got a blast today and is up against the 20 dma and does not do well there.

Need to figure out my limit order or just jump in and market order. Good luck!
Placed limit order for SDS @ $60.85. Need to stick with my core right now and EFU has the dollar factor in it.
$60.72 is my target for the gap that in on the SDS and SPY chart. It needs filled and I set my price just inside the gap in case it comes up short a few cents.

In the meantime, economists are debating how effective the rebates will be, with critics arguing that debt-burdened consumers will use the money to pay bills rather than spending the checks and spurring growth.

An Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that only 19 percent of those surveyed said they planned to spend their rebate checks. Forty-five percent said they would pay bills, while 32 percent said they planned to invest the money.

The last time the government sent out rebates, in 2003, recipients spent a little less than a third in the first six months, and about two-thirds within the first year, according to findings by the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, cited by congressional tax analysts. After rebates were sent out in 2001, just 22 percent said they would mostly spend them -- rather than saving the money or using it to pay off debt -- and only one-third of the rebate was spent in the short run, according to the same study.
In the meantime, economists are debating how effective the rebates will be, with critics arguing that debt-burdened consumers will use the money to pay bills rather than spending the checks and spurring growth.
An Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that only 19 percent of those surveyed said they planned to spend their rebate checks. Forty-five percent said they would pay bills, while 32 percent said they planned to invest the money.
The last time the government sent out rebates, in 2003, recipients spent a little less than a third in the first six months, and about two-thirds within the first year, according to findings by the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, cited by congressional tax analysts. After rebates were sent out in 2001, just 22 percent said they would mostly spend them -- rather than saving the money or using it to pay off debt -- and only one-third of the rebate was spent in the short run, according to the same study.
Hey-Show-me ,
I agree - Just shows us all, just how far out-of-touch these polititians are, with REAL America!
I said before, I'd offer that they should keep mine - if I could - if it went to paying down the debt.
Short of that, I've told my retired, 75 yr-old mother, that she can have mine - she's desperate - desperate to pay bills, and for staples. -Stimulus? -bunk. -Absurd!
If I kept any of it for myself it would just go straight into my gas tank! - just to get back and forth to work!
What sort of "superlative Bull manure" do they think they're spreading? :rolleyes::mad:
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Rebates will have a fleeting effect on the economy, a flash in the pan! This is really a political play to make us think they know what to do. I really think they should let the RECESSION RAGE and get it over with. Don't do a Greenspud and put it off to later. This housing thing is his fault and they are headed down the same road, what the hell?
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Is that a short term investment for you? or- do you think the S&P500 is going down for that long? I just thought that $61 seemed a little high right now.

Yes, it is a short time frame. I will post my stop and profit objective later tonight after I absorb some info.
My brother..I had no idea of all the cover it well..But, God Bless and I will say a prayer for ya..:)

Thank you for your prayers! No anguish here, just big, huge bumps in the road of life. :D Neck is a little sore and I'm soothing my throat with Valentine cup cakes and milk. Yummy! Life is good. :D
I have a conflict in my STA. February expiration S&P down 10 or the last 14 and the day before Presidents Day S&P down 14 of the last 16. The conflict is a they have the day as a bullish day.

Now to add the day after Presidents Day 7 of the last 8 losses down >1%.
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