Show-me Account Talk

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Now that being said, I will add more to the pot today and the remainder on Tuesday. I'm off the grid again this morning so I will not be able to watch the action.

Good luck everyone.
If today finishes red for the FTSE it would be set up for a up day the next day. Three red days are normally followed by a green one.


Well one thing is for sure and that is we are now well set up for a positive Thanksgiving run. The Thanksgiving run is actually Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. It does not include Monday in the STA, so my buy is good for the seasonality play and bad because I really don't think we will see any stellar moves up. I will play it out.
Futures are look'n good and we are set up for a perfect Thanksgiving rally. I still a baffled about the fact the STA does not include the Monday before the Holiday, but it sure will make the Holiday return look better even if we get a small rally.

I'm off the grid AGAIN today during the IFT window so I will make my final IFT this a.m., blindly. Better enjoy it as I will get a letter from the assholes at TSP limiting my trades and locking my account.

I am reducing my contributions to 5% and setting up a savings account at the Postal Credit Union so that I can have Scottrade do a automatic transfer to my Traditional and Roth IRA's. Bite me FRTIB!

Good luck everyone. :D
If today finishes red for the FTSE it would be set up for a up day the next day. Three red days are normally followed by a green one.

I gotta start listening to myself more and then act on it. :suspicious: Nice day I funders.

It is all good, but I may be forced to modify my plan as I have another morning off the grid and I am not pleased about this one. Will hold out for as long as I can before I go to this appointment.

Big weather change for us tomorrow. We had 70 degree weather today and tomorrow is going to be cold and snow.

Good luck everyone. :D
Blood bath in the OSM tonight. James made the call and it is looking like we may get a losing Thanksgiving week. That is rare and disheartening. Dow Theory Bear Market Signal will be tested today if the futures are correct. Around a 100 point on the DOW TRAN will be the trigger. One article I posted from Bloomberg said that even Buffet was selling some of his Rail Road stocks. This from the ultimate Buy & Holder?

I will have to hold out until Friday now to see if I can get a sympathy bounce.
This is not very nice looking start to my Turkey Day. I will eat extra turkey to drown my sorrows. It is not looking good for Dow Theory. The odds of this week being down like this had to be high based on past performance.

Be thankful for what you DO have and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
This is not very nice looking start to my Turkey Day. I will eat extra turkey to drown my sorrows. It is not looking good for Dow Theory. The odds of this week being down like this had to be high based on past performance.

Be thankful for what you DO have and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Is there something in turkey/stock market that makes you sleepy? The market has tryptophan.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

Is there something in turkey/stock market that makes you sleepy? The market has tryptophan.

Hey 12%,

Life is good. I just got home from the in-laws, I ate to much. lol :sick: I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving and yes the tryptophan did me in. :blink:
Black Friday!!!

Still feeling th effects of the "meal". lol Getting ready to spend a little of the Christmas Club. Whoo hooo!

Beings the week did not pan out at all like I had hoped, I will have to modify my game plan.

STA has and very good probability of positive days on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Based on the number of times the S&P rose on a particular trading day during January 1985 - December 2005 the % chance of the market rising. They were 71.4, 71.4, 61.9, and 61.9 respectively. Friday was only 33.3.

Another long shot.

We need a drive up and out of the danger zone. Any lower and we are looking at breaking the low in August and technically that would be a disaster.

I am holding for now and getting ready to shop until I drop. :D Actually it is my wife that will do the shopping and I will be the labor.

Have fun and spend only cash!!! ;)
Show Me...I'm glad you're going to do your part for the wife has declared she's going to do her patriotic duty as well...and of course, I'll be doing laborer duty as well...seems she can buy twice as much stuff with me along..:D:D:D..

Only question is, why is only 20% of it for me...hmmmmm

Happy Holidays and I hope you are right about next week..I'm going to safe haven over the weekend...I want to trust the seasonality stats...but I just don't trust the market right now...GL SM!!!

I am heading for the beach for Monday as well. Hope to take some gains today into safety.
BTW, a mouthpiece on Bloom just said he thinks we are bouncing off the near 10% correction everyone has been looking for. Up from here?

Back from the great BLACK FRIDAY!!! WOW, what bargains and loads of people. I bought some great stuff and most of it was 50% off and I don't mean they mark it up and then try to BS you into thinking it was 50% off. Some of the stuff I know what the regular prices were.

Restaurants were tamped full of people, fast food joint had line that went on forever. We got to one of our favorite restaurants 8 minutes after they opened at 11:00 and they had a 30 minute wait. Starbuck's is new joint in our town and they were overwhelmed. Still got my fix though.

At Kohl's I had to get in a line that was 30 yards long and led to a bank of 6 cashiers. There were two of those on each side of the store and this was at 1:00 p.m. and they opened at 4:00 a.m. I bought one item there that normally retails for $130 to $150. The cheapest I had ever seen it was between $80 and $90. I got it for $50 and had a 15% off coupon for the entire purchase!!! I love it!!!

I did get a 32 inch tube TV that listed for $330 and it was return and discounted to $180. I got it home and set up only to find the picture is slightly flawed, so back to Sears I go in the morn.

Electronics stuff was the bomb. Best buy was a mad house as was every other retailer. Shelves look like a bomb went off on them.

Now this was my first experience at Black Friday. I normally work the day, but am on my second week of A/L. :D I was very impressed with the discount and have always said in the past that I would rather pay full price than fight the crowd. Well after my experience I kind of liked the "real" savings I noticed.

Before I forget, the gal at Best Buy said the sales have just begun. The week before Christmas, she said there will be more BIG SALES to top off the season as well as each week.

Can't bring myself to buy a plasma TV or a LCD yet. Something about dropping $2k for a video display just don't set with me. I will be getting a 36 inch to put in the kitchen/breakfast nook so that I can catch CNBC and Bloom with the morning coffee. I will call it operating expense. :D At least I have my lovely wife convinced of it and she is NOT easy by and definition. :blink: She wanted it NOW. Patience my flower. :cheesy:

I was watching the market while eating and was thrilled to see a strong rally today. I held over the weekend, which I hate as you should know by now, I hate.

See ya in the funnies!!!
Round two. Starkbuck's, Sears to return TV, and then St. Louis Mills. Buy, buy, buy!!! With a side trip to the Red Lobster! See ya.
Show Me:

I've already written my congressman about this. We may need a class action suit to resolve it, although..we'll get quicker faster results if we can make it very uncomfortable for TSP management through a variety of mechanisms..(1) general outcry from current and retired federal employees..(i.e. a letter or email campaign), too..some media support for the non-restrictive activities ...class action suit...appeals to champions of the TSP like Ted Stevens to stand in our corner..suggestions of a more flexible and balanced policy that provides IFT's at a small charge or makes the process automatic and free...or provides say...7-10 IFT's per month...

There is much we can do but we'll need to organize and adopt a plan and get buy in and support from a lot of people. I would guess the unions will be against it, and someone needs to advise them that our rights are being trampled on. I've already advised NARFE in a brief email..but more is required.

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