Show-me Account Talk

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If I had any bullets I would go with KOL aftermarket, getting punished very bad.

I'm in the pain locker and I am OK with it. I can not trade my TSP and will make it up with my IRA's. Contributions are on automatic.

Glad to see the politicians are finally scared of the people. Some think throwing money at the problem is the solution. The solution is saving instead of credit. Get our Nation off of the credit tit. Our Government, homes, cars, consumer goods, college, vacations, back to school cloths, Holidays, etc. It never ends, we charge too much.

In my area they had a "city wide clean up", a 12 hour period were the "city people" could take all their junk cluttering up their homes to the city to be dumped. Tons of crap from disposable income or more correctly credit cards. Truck after truck after truck of junk, crap, stuff and I had a thought. All of the stuff they did not NEED, they just wanted and now they are throwing it in the landfill at taxpayer expense. We are doomed.
My YTD is really sucking today with a -15.45%, but on the bright side my goal was to beat the C fund that is at -23.37%. The I fund is -29.64% and I can not see the dollar gaining strength into a $700 billion bail out.

Many people were on the side line, but if I remember correctly many on Thursday and Friday wanted another IFT so that they could get into the market because the bail out bill was a "sure thing" and going to give us a short burst rally. Tracey Ray saved your asses.:D

My pain is bad, but not unbearable and I have double digit years to retire.

Still waiting for the barrel to cool on the IRA's.
Many people were on the side line, but if I remember correctly many on Thursday and Friday wanted another IFT so that they could get into the market because the bail out bill was a "sure thing" and going to give us a short burst rally. Tracey Ray saved your asses.:D

Hate to say it, but you are right there. I probably would've bought in on Thursday or Friday. Not being able to buy in saved me about $21,000 yesterday/Monday.
I wish I wouldnt have had an IFT last thursday......but I did.....and I jumped 70% C thinking they would ram rod that bill through over the weekend. I guess I hunker down and wait.
I wish I wouldnt have had an IFT last thursday......but I did.....and I jumped 70% C thinking they would ram rod that bill through over the weekend. I guess I hunker down and wait.

CapeChem - look at the Bright Side:

You set a WORLD RECORD for US Market Losses in the TSP Account

It's the first time ever the C Fund lost 13.77% (including Great Depression) in one day.

Years from now this is something to tell the future Grandkids about. I had already made plans to roll over another account and saw this as the best buying opportunity ever.

Don't sweat it my friend. None of us can time it perfectly - and most of us fully invested thought the same thing.
My YTD is really sucking today with a -15.45%, but on the bright side my goal was to beat the C fund that is at -23.37%. The I fund is -29.64% and I can not see the dollar gaining strength into a $700 billion bail out.

Many people were on the side line, but if I remember correctly many on Thursday and Friday wanted another IFT so that they could get into the market because the bail out bill was a "sure thing" and going to give us a short burst rally. Tracey Ray saved your asses.:D

My pain is bad, but not unbearable and I have double digit years to retire.

Still waiting for the barrel to cool on the IRA's.

Congrats Show-me,

You beat the S&P soundly. Only a quarter of fund Managers do the same with any consistancy.

William Danoff (2007 Fund manager of the year), who runs the worlds largest Mutual fund, the Contrafund is down 20% last I checked.

I know you trade ETF, and I think James tried to explain this to me before, but I am baffled as to why Q's don't match NDX, and the ultras are sometimes less than the straight... Any easy explanation?


I guess the Dollar still has legs! Man, what a run!:(:D

I know you trade ETF, and I think James tried to explain this to me before, but I am baffled as to why Q's don't match NDX, and the ultras are sometimes less than the straight... Any easy explanation?


ETF's are not balance exactly the same as the index they are mimicing. They may hold more or less of a individual stock and try to copy or mimic the index. Like the I fund is the EAFE but does not track it perfectly.

Also, ETF's charge large fee's for the right to trade in and out like a stock. Well worth it IMO.
Thanks, Show-me. One more question, when I check the quote of an ETF, there is one entry that says Ex. Dividend Date 9/24/30, next line Dividend Date 9/30/08. What do these mean?


ETF's are not balance exactly the same as the index they are mimicing. They may hold more or less of a individual stock and try to copy or mimic the index. Like the I fund is the EAFE but does not track it perfectly.

Also, ETF's charge large fee's for the right to trade in and out like a stock. Well worth it IMO.
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