S&P 500: The Best 252 Sessions

Here's a study dissecting the best 252 sessions from 1961-2023. Across all time-frames, there are some interesting observations. Of all the data I post, this one has some of the most useful insights.

To start with, (here's our baseline) the best 252 sessions range from 2.37% to 11.58%, have a median of 2.95% and an average of 3.44%


For the Presidential Cycle:

From a 2024 perspective, 29% of the best sessions happened in Presidential Cycle Year 4.

From a 2025 perspective, 17% of the best sessions happened in Presidential Cycle Year 1.


For the Quarters:

Quarters 1/2/3 are evenly matched, 34% of the best 252 sessions happened in Quarter 4.


By year, we have some stark contrast. The Top-4 best sessions by year happened during some form of “Crisis”

18% of the best sessions happened during the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis.
15% of the best sessions happened from 1961-1981
38% of the best sessions happened from 1982-2002
46% of the best sessions happened from 2003-2023 (the last 21-years)


By Month (as you might expect) 56% of the best sessions happen in the last 6 months.

October is the clear front-runner here, which is likely tied to crisis events.

5 of 41 in 2020, Covid Lockdowns
5 of 41 in 2008, Financial Crisis
5 of 41 in 1987, Black Monday

For March, we have 8 of 29 sessions in 2020 (COVID).


For Trading Days, the best sessions are in the beginning, middle, and end.

21% of the best sessions in the first 4 sessions.
22% of the best sessions happened from trading days 9-12
23% of the best sessions happened from trading days 18-22
____Note: Depending how the month ends, there are less sessions from trading day 18-23


For whatever reason, 24% of the best sessions fell on a Tuesday


For the best sessions by the Open & low:

74% of the time, the session opened (or gapped) up.
16% of the time, the opening session was even.
10% of the time the session opened lower.
58% of the time the session did not go lower than previous day’s close. (we never went into the red)


Thanks for reading, have a great week and a great Holiday… Jason

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