S Fund

Today the S fund reclaimed part of what it had lost on Friday. S fund up +0.83% while the W4500 actually only gained +0.79%.

I remember for a long time this site's "Fund Index Quotes" link used the DJ Completion Index to track the S fund (I believe that is what TSP.gov claims the S fund is based on), but it was not tracking accurately either, so Tom tossed it out and started using the W4500.

So, yeah. Whatever. What's for lunch?

have you tried the spicy asian mccrap?

The S fund doesn't match the Wilshire 4500 when it is up. But it matches when it's down. What gives?

Nordic is right. But there is still more. Like most of the technical questions about the TSP Funds, your best source is TSP.gov itself. Under Funds Overview/Fund Management it says:
F,C,S, and I Funds

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board currently contracts BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. (BlackRock) to manage the F, C, S, and I Fund assets. The F and C Fund assets are held in separate accounts and the S and I Fund assets are invested in Collective Funds. These trust funds are comprised of investments by tax-exempt institutions like the TSP, such as pension plans and endowments. Investing collectively in this way can be advantageous because it reduces trading costs. The securities held in these commingled funds are held in trust and they are not assets of BlackRock, nor can they be used to meet the financial obligations of BlackRock.

The F, C, S, and I Funds are index funds, each of which is invested in order to replicate the risk and return characteristics of its appropriate benchmark index. For example, the C Fund is invested in a stock index fund that fully replicates the Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500) Index, a broad market index made up of the stocks of 500 large to medium-sized U.S. companies. The C Fund's objective is to match the performance of the S&P 500. The F, C, S, and I Funds remain invested regardless of the performance of the securities markets or the overall economy.

BlackRock Funds
Although the BlackRock Collective Funds operate in a manner similar to mutual funds, they are not, in fact, mutual funds and are not open to individual investors. Furthermore, they are trust funds that are regulated by the Comptroller of the Currency, not by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and therefore do not have ticker symbols.

And under Fund Comparison Matrix it says:

The chart below provides a comparison of the available TSP funds. You can learn more information about each fund by clicking on the fund name.

[TABLE="class: tableRegular"]
[TH]G Fund[/TH]
[TH]F Fund*[/TH]
[TH]C Fund*[/TH]
[TH]S Fund*[/TH]
[TH]I Fund*[/TH]
[TH]L Funds**[/TH]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Description of Investments[/TH]
[TD]Government securities (specially issued to the TSP)[/TD]
[TD]Government, corporate, and mortgage-backed bonds[/TD]
[TD]Stocks of large and medium-sized U.S. companies[/TD]
[TD]Stocks of small to medium-sized U.S. companies (not included in the C Fund)[/TD]
[TD]International stocks of 22 developed countries[/TD]
[TD]Invested in the G, F, C, S, and I Funds[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Objective of Fund[/TH]
[TD]Interest income without risk of loss of principal[/TD]
[TD]To match the performance of the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index[/TD]
[TD]To match the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500) Index[/TD]
[TD]To match the performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Completion TSM Index[/TD]
[TD]To match the performance of the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index[/TD]
[TD]To provide professionally diversified portfolios based on various time horizons, using the G, F, C, S, and I Funds[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Risk[/TH]
[TD]Inflation risk[/TD]
[TD]Market risk, Credit risk, Prepayment risk, Inflation risk[/TD]
[TD]Market risk, Inflation risk[/TD]
[TD]Market risk, Inflation risk[/TD]
[TD]Market risk, Currency risk, Inflation risk[/TD]
[TD]Exposed to all of the types of risk to which the individual TSP funds are exposed - but total risk is reduced through diversification among the five individual funds[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Volatility[/TH]
[TD]Low to moderate[/TD]
[TD]Moderate to high — historically more volatile than C Fund[/TD]
[TD]Moderate to high — historically more volatile than C Fund[/TD]
[TD]Asset allocation shifts as time horizon approaches to reduce volatility[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Types of Earnings***[/TH]
[TD]Change in market prices

[TD]Change in market prices

[TD]Change in market prices

[TD]Change in market prices

Change in relative value of currency

[TD]Composite of earnings in the underlying funds[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]2012 Administrative Expenses****[/TH]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TD="class: right"]0.027%[/TD]
[TH="class: rowHeading"]Inception Date[/TH]
[TD="class: bold right"]04/01/87[/TD]
[TD="class: bold right"]01/29/88[/TD]
[TD="class: bold right"]01/29/88[/TD]
[TD="class: bold right"]05/01/01[/TD]
[TD="class: bold right"]05/01/01[/TD]
[TD="class: bold right"]08/01/05[/TD]

And finally, under Share Price Calculation:

Share Price Calculation

The TSP is a daily valued plan which means the value of your account is determined each business day based on the daily share price and the number of shares you hold in each fund.
At the end of each business day, after the stock and bond markets have closed, the total value of the funds' holdings (net of accrued administrative expenses) is divided by the total number of shares outstanding to determine the share price for that day.

Dividends and Capital Gains
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A, which manages the index funds in which the F, C, S, and I Funds are invested, credits interest and dividend income each business day. This income is then reflected in the TSP share prices.
The daily change in TSP share prices reflects all investment income (interest on short-term investments, dividends, capital gains or losses, and securities lending income) net of TSP administrative expenses.

Since BlackRock is a private fund (not open to public), you will not find those funds in public fund quotes. And of course, there are all the other above adjustments included in the daily valuation as well. But the objective of the fund is to match Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total: so ^DWCPF is the closest. But it just SEEMS to side with the downs and not the ups.....it should go both ways! (Apologies to Burro.....did you finish lunch yet?!? :laugh: )
Facebook is in the S fund now but will move to S&P 500 this week (or was it last week?). What effect will that have on the funds?
Facebook is in the S fund now but will move to S&P 500 this week (or was it last week?). What effect will that have on the funds?


Kind of explains it, but remember it is an index. I like that it references Teradyne might do better once it leaves the index......history shows.
It seems to be off often for some reason. I have had people complain to me telling me to fix it, but I have to explain it's Yahoo sending the info.
It seems to be off often for some reason. I have had people complain to me telling me to fix it, but I have to explain it's Yahoo sending the info.

Yeah, I was watching the Yahoo feed.....It is weird. I have sent an e-mail to Yahoo to determine the issue, but I'm sure I'm a little fish in the pond of investors. Now, if Barclay's asked the question, I'm sure we would never see this issue again!

P.S. Really, they still think it's your feed and not Yahoo's?
DWCPF as of noon down 43% from its highs a month ago,,.and still showing no signs of slowing with more circuit breakers shutting trading again today. :sick:

S Fund.jpg
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Yeah no kidding. A lesson many have learned this year is that buy and hold is very hard to beat.

In April when WSJ declared a new bull market after the 20% up move from the bottom, it was easy to see the market as extended.

Now that a vaccine is ready, it's time for some of those earnings to catch up to the prices. PE expansion can only go on for so long.
Morgan Stanley not as bullish on small caps as they were in April 2020. The market flyers - TSLA, ZM, PTON, DOCU, DASH, SQ, SNOW, TDOC are currently all down 25-50% from their highs.

The index has been one of the best-performing worldwide in the last year. It has even outperformed the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100, which has gained 75%, thanks to triple-digit percentage gains in the likes of electric vehicle maker Tesla, or video call app Zoom.

Morgan Stanley has therefore downgraded small caps to reduce risk.

The bank upgraded the sector last April.

IWM breaking down. Another possible H&S pattern to watch for especially if it drops another 5%.

Neckline is somewhere in the red with downside to wipe out all of 2021 gains. Note that early January gap up.

There's been a bit of a divergence between the Russell 2000 and the S-fund recently.

The S-fund chart looks a little better than the IWM with that bull flag - although that doesn't mean it will breakout. It just seems like something a little more bullish is going on with those midcaps portion of the DWCPF.
