S Fund

Well, I am seeing some UGLY stuff this morning in the charts. I mean U-G-L-Y.

The P&F for the "S" is showing me that right now we're on a brink.

IF the "S" moves more than a 1/4 percent lower, then we're into a freefall zone- and the possibility of a 10% pullback looks very real to me. The possiblity of a 20% pullback is also not out of the realm of possibilities.

Do I bail out today?


We'll see what happens today. Very telling day.
Well, I am seeing some UGLY stuff this morning in the charts. I mean U-G-L-Y.

The P&F for the "S" is showing me that right now we're on a brink.

IF the "S" moves more than a 1/4 percent lower, then we're into a freefall zone- and the possibility of a 10% pullback looks very real to me. The possiblity of a 20% pullback is also not out of the realm of possibilities.

Do I bail out today?


We'll see what happens today. Very telling day.

indeed thank god im in the G
Is it just me, or has the S fund started to diverge from the W4500? Friday - W4500 (-0.04%), S fund (-0.10%). I believe a couple other days this week were slightly off as well. I know the TSP funds earn dividends that the indices do not, but that ought to result in a higher percentage gain for the S fund, not a lower one.
Is it just me, or has the S fund started to diverge from the W4500? Friday - W4500 (-0.04%), S fund (-0.10%). I believe a couple other days this week were slightly off as well. I know the TSP funds earn dividends that the indices do not, but that ought to result in a higher percentage gain for the S fund, not a lower one.

blackrock's giant proprietary internal tsp spreadsheet that replicates actual indices has apparently developed a data divergence error, possibly to recoup operating expenses and executive bonus obligations. these are not the captive government droids you are looking for, move along.
Today the S fund reclaimed part of what it had lost on Friday. S fund up +0.83% while the W4500 actually only gained +0.79%.

I remember for a long time this site's "Fund Index Quotes" link used the DJ Completion Index to track the S fund (I believe that is what TSP.gov claims the S fund is based on), but it was not tracking accurately either, so Tom tossed it out and started using the W4500.

So, yeah. Whatever. What's for lunch?