ripper's account talk

Weekly update:

Year-to-date performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model:
YTD: +26.6
Current position: 50% TZA @ 37.20

Conservative Model:
YTD: +8.6%
Current position: Cash

Tough week, especially for the Conservative Model, which had its biggest weekly loss of the year, primarily due to the Brexit vote.
I was stopped out of SPY at the open on Friday. But since I failed to post that here, I used Friday's closing price - which was lower than the opening price - to be fair.
For the coming week, there is a high probability that we'll see a lower low than Friday's close. If - or when - that occurs, the future is less clear. Odds seem to favor this current slide not going too much deeper before rebounding.
Sold TZA at the close @ 42.91.

Expecting a bounce soon so I felt it was prudent to take profits. The probability of a rally, although it could be a relatively short one, is high following a two-day sell-off.
But the trend is still down.
Weekly update:

Year-to-date performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model:
YTD: +39.8%
Current position: 50% TZA @ 35.65

Conservative Model:
YTD: +7.8%
Current position: 50% SH @ 39.67

I've decided to start posting a third model. It will trade the volatility ETF's, XIV and VXX.
The back-testing on this model has been exceptional, although I was only able to go back one year. By posting the trades, I'll be able to see how it performs in real time.
At the open:

Sold TZA @ 36.02
Sold SH @ 39.73

Bought 50% TNA @ 63.06
Bought 50% SPY @ 209.03
Bought 100% XIV @ 25.48
Weekly update:

Year-to-date performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model:
YTD: +40.5%
Current position: 50% TNA @ 63.06

Conservative Model:
YTD: +7.9%
Current position: 50% SPY @ 209.03

Volatility Model:
YTD (Beginning 7/5): -1.4%
Current position: Cash
Last edited:
Weekly update:

Year-to-date performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model:
YTD: +50.5%
Current position: 50% TZA @ 31.32

Conservative Model:
YTD: +7.9%
Current position: 50% SPY @ 209.03

Volatility Model:
YTD (Beginning 7/5): +3.0%
Current position: Cash