ripper's account talk

Weekly update:

Aggressive Model trades only TNA/TZA.
Conservative Model trades only SPY/SH.
Volatility Model trades only XIV/VXX.
Models will hold a 50% or 100% position or be in cash.

All returns (except TSP) are compounded.
Performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model
2016 Return: +62.2%
Current Position: Cash

Conservative Model
2016 Return: +10.4%
Year-to-date: +6.0%
Current position: 50% SPY @ 266.02

Volatility Model
2016 Return (6 months): +48.0%
Year-to-date: +23.6%
Current position: Cash

TSP Model
Year-to-date (per AutoTracker): +10.94%
Current position: 100% S
Year-End Review

I was generally disappointed in the results for my trading models in 2018. While they all showed a profit, only the Volatility Model was able to out-perform the S&P 500, which is the benchmark I like to use for my trading.
Not to make excuses, but it was a difficult year for most timing systems. It's more difficult to buy low and sell high when there are no significant pull-backs in the market.
I decided not to continue my daily tracking of my models on here. I retired in October of last year. While that certainly allows me more time to do things such as this, I've also found that since retiring and being diagnosed with cancer I've become a bit more adverse to committing to things like this on a regular basis, while becoming more committed to family and friends. :smile:

Aggressive Model trades only TNA/TZA.
Conservative Model trades only SPY/SH.
Volatility Model trades only XIV/VXX.
Models will hold a 50% or 100% position or be in cash.

All returns (except TSP) are compounded.
Performance does not include current open trades.

Aggressive Model
2016: +62.2%

Conservative Model
2016: +10.4%
2017: +5.9%

Volatility Model
2016 (6 months): +48.0%
2017: +20.4%

TSP Model
2017: +10.77%
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer late 2003. Had surgery early 2004 and have been cancer free.

Fight the fight.
Thanks for the thoughts, everyone. I'm doing great!

I see the dermatologist every three months and the oncologist every six months. All of the tests that have been done so far have been clean.

As an added bonus, another health issue I've battled for a couple of years was recently remedied. I've dealt with AFib, which has had me in a constant state of fatigue. After several failed attempts to correct it, a recent procedure finally did the trick. I feel so good I almost feel like going back to work. :laugh:

I just returned to my home in the frigid north after spending a week in Oklahoma. Next week I leave for Florida, where I have a condo on the beach reserved for a month. :smile:

I'm truly thankful for my renewed appreciation for life. It makes retirement even sweeter.
Here are a couple of pics I took from the deck of my place I just bought in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The pics are courtesy of my (now slightly smaller) TSP account. :smile:
What a difference a year makes. A little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer and was facing a year of chemo and radiation treatments. But for some reason, God spared me from that. But thanks to the diagnosis, everything in my life is now better. Emotionally, I have the best attitude I've ever had from fighting cancer. And I'm in the best physical shape I've been in for a long time.
Life is great!
Condo view.jpgcondo view 2.jpg
Only two-and-a-half months until the first day of winter.
This is what it looks like here today. :smile:

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