So far so good!
About 5 years ago I kind of got serious with my retirement.
OPM booklets said that one could retire at 60. Social Security had a birth day / age threshold.
Doing backwards math I recieved information on the government annuity, social security, and TSP. Then figured where I wanted to retire and under what conditions. Using savings and sales, we made a re-location and a re-financing, using guideline from our accountant.
We wanted to retain 100% of normal income, 50% expenses and 50% free.
Was this possible?............Yes it was.
Retiring at age 60 was not possible, because of deductions and the Supplemental.
Retiring at age 62 was possible!
All figures fell in line including a minimum risk for TSP. Risk vs reward.
Most guidelines allow for a maximum of 4% withdrawl from a savings plan (IRA), and most guidelines figure an inflation factor of 3%. Thus TSP funds should be allowed to increase about 7% a year. The actual withdrawl figured at 3.5% per year + 3% inflation resulted in a benchmark gain of 6.5% required to maintain that fund in the cost of living (COLA) retirement triad.
In a bear market the G-Fund will let one survive, in a bull market it is the risk one can accept which has to be conservative in capital preservation once retired.
A big advantage with TSP is the ability to put aside savings regularly, have matching funds, have funds with low expenses and good indexed funds. Plus the options of loans, annuities, payments, and withdrawls.
The big advantage of TSPTalk is learning how to minimize risks and take avantage of rewards in strategy that fits a person's life. Plus sharing ideas that respect the principal of managing a retirement savings plan, and not leaving it up to the whims of the mystical unknowns (some one or some company that does not have your interest as primary). I can play high risk with "stops" or sit back on a lilly pad with the G-Fund and not risk one penny of the principal. Or, I might just decide to go fishing!....:nuts:
Bottom line: Does TSPTalk work / help?....... I gotta say Yes!..... Dats the evidence....
Done been raving enough!
See Ya tomorrow.
Regards and be careful!
PS: Thanks Birchtree (Dennis) my boat is now the "Lilly Pad".