Reputation Change

The reputation feature:

  • Use positive and negative rep

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Use only positive rep

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • What is reputation?

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
Yes this talk does deal with contrary ideas. All have been well presented. At no time on this thread has anyone been penalized for what their position was, or how they felt!...............;) .................Spaf
These are totally contradictory ideas. You want people to be able to come here and look at the reputation to help them decide who to listen to, but that person's reputation could be quite high despite repeated posts that are foolish, posts that miss the point, posts that are marginally wrong, posts that are incoherrent, posts that have any number of negative qualities, so long as they aren't mean spirited.
I just don't think those types of posts warrant negative rep. What you are saying is that you want posts (or members) labeled as good or bad. I'm saying most, if not all, are good for one reaon or another, some just give us a little more and those are the ones who should be given higher rep.

To your end, I have been trying to give out more positive rep than I used to when I see a good and/or helpful post. If everyone consistantly did that we'll start to see members with lots of little green boxes (and I think they start changing to dark green at higher levels). New folks will be able to see more easily, who has higher rep without the stigma of a red box.

The posts you mention should not be given positive rep and if posts are offensive, mean spirited, or break the rules (like spam) the modertaors can give the negative rep.

Believe me Dave, I see your point. But it took too much time to deal with the negative reputation wars and the research that went into seeing who was giving it to whom, etc. I got this idea from other successful message boards who went thru the same thing and most of them feel this works out much better for everybody. The less negativety on the board the better.
Once again we'll have to agree to disagree. It's not like I was trying to change your mind. You made a decision and that's the end of it. I was just expressing my opinion that the reputation feature on this board has been watered down and now has little value. I will no longer be using it.

That's your choice and I appreciate your honesty and input. By the way, I believe you can turn off your rep in your profile options so others can't see it. I'll turn yours off for you. I think that would be the thing to do since you won't be giving any rep. If you change your mind, let me know.
If you can turn it off, what's the point of having it? Is anybody in the government really stupid enough to come here and jump right in trusting what others say? Don't answer that............I did get rid of my duck avatar.....:p still got the shotgun though. No wait, is that a .22 your suppose to use for ducks.........:p

I see no rules about giving reputation. Tom, you might have posted the purpose of giving reputation somewhere, but I'm not searching for it and I think most won't either.

When you adjusted peoples reputation to get rid of negative rep, I went from like 19 to I think 134. Now last I saw I'm at about 109. Who cares?

I've given you bad rep before based solely on your IFT. I do try to read all the posts on this MB and I might see one early on that I thought was bogus but I keep reading the other posts that perhaps that one person posted to also. I don't go back to the original post to give the bad rep. Are you kidding me? Who knew how that worked and who really cares.......

Everyone knows who thinks what of me. Do I deserve two squares? Some might say yes, others might say no. If this is becoming a popularity contest, let us know. I'll smile more and kiss more babes......I mean babies.......;)
That's your choice and I appreciate your honesty and input. By the way, I believe you can turn off your rep in your profile options so others can't see it. I'll turn yours off for you. I think that would be the thing to do since you won't be giving any rep. If you change your mind, let me know.

Couldn't find it Tom? You can turn mine off too.

Actually, it looks like I had it wrong. You have to do yourself in your > usercp> edit options. I'll test it out now.
Yup, it works.

Go to >usercp> edit options> Show My Reputation Level > remove the check mark
Go to >usercp> edit options> Show My Reputation Level > remove the check mark

I am probably just dense but I can't find a line that says Show My Reputation Level under edit options or anywhere else.

BTW. While I was there I noticed that you had given me some rep and since taken it back. I guess that is something only mods and administrators can do.
Wheels said:
I can't find a line that says Show My Reputation Level under edit options or anywhere else.
I think that is my fault dave. Does your reputation number show in your edit options page? If it doesn't, did it at one time? That may be what shut off when I tried to turn off your displayed rep. I can turn that back on, then you might be able to turn it off yourself. Try again.
I think that is my fault dave. Does your reputation number show in your edit options page? If it doesn't, did it at one time? That may be what shut off when I tried to turn off your displayed rep. I can turn that back on, then you might be able to turn it off yourself. Try again.

I think we are seeing different things. I can't find a reputation feature in the CP edit options. I do find in user CP at the Latest Rep Recieved section a (^) icon on the right side that will close the Rep window. Points and icons will remain.
I can't find a reputation feature in the CP edit options. I do find in user CP at the Latest Rep Recieved section a (^) icon on the right side that will close the Rep window. Points and icons will remain.

Tom, this is what I see too. I can't find any other reference to reputation in the user cp. But I don't really care to spend anymore time on it. I don't need mine to be turned off to not participate myself.

I did not mean to be combative or to challenge your decision. I was trying to express my opinion on the matter, which I have apparently accomplished.
Now I'm just curious. I made another change.

Spaf (or anyone else), can you please try your usercp, edit options, and see if there is now an option to hide your rep? Thanks - please let me know what you find.

This is a monster program with so many features, all different for each type of member. It's difficult to keep track of what is set where.
Under User CP > Edit Options > Show My Reputation Level.
Your current reputation level is displayed to other users whenever you post a message. If you would like to hide your reputation, disable this option.

You currently have xxx reputation points.
Check box Show My Reputation Level

So the option is there now.
Spaf (or anyone else), can you please try your usercp, edit options, and see if there is now an option to hide your rep? Thanks - please let me know what you find.

Clicking my UserCP opens the window that has the other menus on the left, and the received reps & accompanying comments listed in a box on the right. Nothing else to click regarding reputations.
Under User CP > Edit Options > Show My Reputation Level.
Your current reputation level is displayed to other users whenever you post a message. If you would like to hide your reputation, disable this option.

You currently have xxx reputation points.
Check box Show My Reputation Level

So the option is there now.

...oh it is !!!!:D :o :p :cheesy:
It worked for me.

Now I'm just curious. I made another change.

Spaf (or anyone else), can you please try your usercp, edit options, and see if there is now an option to hide your rep? Thanks - please let me know what you find.

This is a monster program with so many features, all different for each type of member. It's difficult to keep track of what is set where.