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This sounds like it is getting off the track and needs moved over to Beltway Talk.
I thought this was the site where we get to talk about our retirement pension plans and that kind of stuff.

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This sounds like it is getting off the track and needs moved over to Beltway Talk.
This sounds like it is getting off the track and needs moved over to Beltway Talk.
I have often thought that there would be another retirement plan implemented that would more closely reflect the realities of the public sector and this may be it (rather than reducing the benefits of the current FERS like changing to a hi-5).
It now seems likely that current employees will maintain the current FERS system as is and the new employees will have an new system, i.e. CSRS, then FERS, and coming soon FERS 2.0 (downgrade).
At least we will get "ours" ?...
this is what you who voted republican voted for.
Again, it is all the GOPs fault...
If you don't see it you must be blind.
You don't see dems lining up to hurt people the way republicans line up to hurt people.
No just endless promises of more entitlements, more wages and more benefits on the back of the taxpayer and our children and grandchildren get to pay for it after we enjoyed it and died with a smile on our collective faces because we got over with no sacrifice.
FERS is fully funded. Burr is lying when he says there is a billion dollar shortfall. Employees make a contribution to FERS, and the employer makes a contribution to FERS.
The problem with money in Washington D.C. isn't that FERS retirements cost too much money.
It's that rich people are hording all the money. Period.
Distribution of wealth is the problem.
Share the wealth.
I see you drank the corporate Free Trade Kool-Aid. All those Free Trade agreements is what sent jobs/wealth to India, China, Mexico...
That global parity is about $6/hr...as predicted by Ross Perot back in the 1992 campaign.
"(CSRS) is underfunded by $673 billion." (Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C)
* Senator Burr is an idiot. While we're at it - why don't we eliminate the US Armed Services retirement system? Then no one would join the military and we would not waist all our money being at war. YOU IDIOT!!!
David Hyson Posted March 22, 2011 1:06 PM
* The last time the republicans took over they passed the Sunshine Act which eliminated our right to receive Widow/Widower benefits if we were federal employees, even though our spouses had contributed to the program their entire working life. Now they want to reduce our retirement again. I for one will never vote for another republican, they always save money on the backs of the people. Why don't they ever cut their precious military budget.
Janice Sorensen Posted March 22, 2011 11:40 AM
* Curious that as soon as the President challenged the country to find our sputnik moment, the GOP attacked working people with all the power they could muster. The last place you'll find innovation is within the GOP. Lets take the poorest of poor business models in the private sector and make that our model to emulate. this crappy company hires at low wages and provides no benefits whatsoever. Lets all aspire to that standard! And be happy about it. GOP wants American's to settle for less.
YY Posted March 22, 2011 11:15 AM
* I'm a right-winger, with 20 plus years service in federal law enforcement agencies, and I AM LOVING EACH AND EVERY SECOND OF THIS!!!
All throughout the Bush Presidency, most federal employees and their Union fools like Jim Gage and Colleen Kelly did nothing but whine, and cry, and stomp their feet, and have hissy fits for every little thing Bush and the Republican Congress did. So then they worked tirelessly to first turn Congress over to their Democratic overlords, and then give America the LEAST qualified President in history in Barack Hussein Obama. Then the Dems spend money after money after money after money after money......so that now taking radical steps in slashing the budget is an absolute necessity.
The TRUTH is, that federal employees made out VERY well under Bush. I am currently a GS-13, Step 4. When Bush came into office in FY 2001, that position was worth $69,534 in Washington, DC. When Bush left in FY 2009, that same position was worth $95,620!! That is more than a $26,000 increase in eight years!!! But that wasn't good enough for you Democratic hacks, so you brought in your bunch of radical left-wingers who have done everything possible to ruin this country.
Most feds outside of national security and law enforcement richly deserve each and every bit of misery that's heading in your direction. Most of you are nothing but blood-sucking parasites who are living of the labor of the true American tax-payers. Federal workers contribute NOTHING to the wealth and prosperity of this country, and America would be better off if most of the federal bureacracy were to disappear without a trace.
So if this means that I have to do with $1,000 or so less annually on my pension in a couple of years after I retire, so be it! Many, many more Americans have sacrificed much more than that for the well-being of this country.
So here is to all of your worthless losers over at HUD, Education, Transportation, EPA, Commerce, Labor, ect, in this time of YOUR pain and agony:
Go GOP! Posted March 21, 2011 4:22 PM
I see you drank the corporate Free Trade Kool-Aid. All those Free Trade agreements is what sent jobs/wealth to India, China, Mexico...
That global parity is about $6/hr...as predicted by Ross Perot back in the 1992 campaign.
I cannot edit that post, it was a quote from the very same site that "others" posted from...
I understand now and will just be a fly on the wall.
Thank y'all for your time.
Yup, some of them are interesting, including this one:
* I'm a right-winger, with 20 plus years service in federal law enforcement agencies, and I AM LOVING EACH AND EVERY SECOND OF THIS!!!
All throughout the Bush Presidency, most federal employees and their Union fools like Jim Gage and Colleen Kelly did nothing but whine, and cry, and stomp their feet, and have hissy fits for every little thing Bush and the Republican Congress did. So then they worked tirelessly to first turn Congress over to their Democratic overlords, and then give America the LEAST qualified President in history in Barack Hussein Obama. Then the Dems spend money after money after money after money after money......so that now taking radical steps in slashing the budget is an absolute necessity.
The TRUTH is, that federal employees made out VERY well under Bush. I am currently a GS-13, Step 4. When Bush came into office in FY 2001, that position was worth $69,534 in Washington, DC. When Bush left in FY 2009, that same position was worth $95,620!! That is more than a $26,000 increase in eight years!!! But that wasn't good enough for you Democratic hacks, so you brought in your bunch of radical left-wingers who have done everything possible to ruin this country.
Most feds outside of national security and law enforcement richly deserve each and every bit of misery that's heading in your direction. Most of you are nothing but blood-sucking parasites who are living of the labor of the true American tax-payers. Federal workers contribute NOTHING to the wealth and prosperity of this country, and America would be better off if most of the federal bureacracy were to disappear without a trace.
So if this means that I have to do with $1,000 or so less annually on my pension in a couple of years after I retire, so be it! Many, many more Americans have sacrificed much more than that for the well-being of this country.
So here is to all of your worthless losers over at HUD, Education, Transportation, EPA, Commerce, Labor, ect, in this time of YOUR pain and agony:
Go GOP! Posted March 21, 2011 4:22 PM
Thank you and please edit the crws post as he ALSO posted that other website comments without quotes. Which, BTW, was the reason I didn't and since they were back to back didn't think everyone would wig-out... sorryOh, I thought it was your words. Sorry - My bad. I misread it. Still probably not needed to be repeated here, but next time please use the quote feature so we know. I will edit it now.
[.quote] xxxx[/.quote] (leave out the periods)
I DIDN'T WRITE IT, PLEASE SEE THE POSTS...Wow:blink:. Take a minute and read what you just wrote, all of it. Words fail me.