Thank you and please edit the crws post as he ALSO posted that other website comments without quotes. Which, BTW, was the reason I didn't and since they were back to back didn't think everyone would wig-out... sorry
I am really sorry that my "attempt" to counter some of the spin around here was poorly quoted... no, really, I am.
I am not sorry for the quote, as the comment was from a website that was quoted by the previous poster with very specifically spun comments and I just wanted to point out that not EVERYONE in this situation and on that website totally agree. I am on the fence, I was just trying to make a point... I just did a really, really bad job...
Wow- looks like I missed some action!
Tearing down a facility and getting ready to be excessed is distracting!
hey RMI- just goes to show the worst case of jaded that law enforcement can leave you! (He's probably not the most congenial neighbor, ya think?)
as for the #'s, looks like he may be right:
Even with the pay freeze of 2010, the GS13/4 is still up $2316 over 2009. Frankly, I'd keep my mouth shut over that- our NEW contract gives us 3.5% over 5 years.
Most bargaining unit employees hover in the 55,000 range, so we
might see a $1925 gain in 5 years, with a COLA freeze until fall 2012.
He speaks of his own ilk, I'd say.
Mid & upper management is just where the USPS is targeting, and I saw a recent article about the DoD on the same track-
The U.S. Postal Service will announce March 25 a downsizing of approximately 7,500 supervisory, managerial and postmaster positions.
Most of those positions are filled, but many are not, especially in the postmaster positions, because of past attrition, said Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe in a March 9 interview with Federal Times editors and reporters.
The agency will use reductions-in-force (RIFs) and RIF avoidance measures in carrying out the downsizing, he said.
The positions targeted, which will hit as many as 10 district offices and headquarters, include 3,500 administrative positions, 2,000 front-line supervisor and manager positions, and 2,000 postmasters.
Donahoe said the announcement will be part of a broader effort to trim postal ranks by 30,000 positions this year.
BTW, I wanted to show you something-
open this in Excel (USPS Oregon Leased Facility Report), go to Line 239.
That is our facility that is being closed:
Now, because the USPS did not negotiate an exit clause and thought they could walk in and wave a couple payments (561k/yr) in front of the Lessor, they pulled the plug on our installation before they even talked to the owners!
What do you think happened in this economy with 6/18 years remaining on the lease?
That's right! FAIL!
The USPS now gets to pay 3.36M (that's $42,075 per employee stationed there) for the pleasure of being a sub-lessor, or to have a 105,000 int. / 311,000 ext. facility stand vacant for 6 years, while continuing to pay a maintenance employee to perform daily inspections and tests.
On top of that, add insurance for fire & liability.
So you see- you won't find me in disagreement with you over the USPS's back-assward business practices! :laugh: