i think you guys get paid alot already
myself i am an E-5 getting pay about 3800 a paycheck before tax
The "paycheck" you say you receive is more than what a GS-12 step 7 receives based on 2011 pay scales and incorporating the Locality pay for DC-MD-VA-WV-PA (you said you were living in MD).
While not quite an apples to apples comparison, you can think of “Steps” as “time in service” for the Military. (Actually it would be the same as time in pay grade if such a thing existed for military pay.)
Just like Military pay and benefits, Federal Civilian pay and benefits are all online for everyone to see.
If I was to figure in Military Medical, Dental, Commissary, Exchange, and MWR benefits and I believe you move up into the realm of GS-13 or 14. We all (Military and Federal Civilians) work in different places doing different jobs. But our pay is standardized for the most part. Where I presently work, most (not all) of the people at the GS-13/14 pay levels have Masters or PhD level educations. Where I work is not the same as everywhere else, but it exists all the same
Here is another comparison that may help give insight to the Federal pay system. Look at the back of your ID card. Your Geneva Convention category is II (Non-commissioned Officer/Staff Non-commissioned Office). That is for E-5/E-6 or GS-5/GS-6. A GS-12 is a IV (Field Grade Officer). That is an O-4/W-4 for military comparison. On a Naval ship the GS-12 will normally eat in the Wardroom.
I'm just a Ret. Navy Chief trying to help you understand that you cannot correctly generalize the Federal Civilian work force based on your limited experience of it so far. I would argue you couldn’t generalize it at all. But everyone does to suit his or her agenda. Your making conclusions based on limited analysis. Just like I did above, based on your pay check. Should some SES and GS’s be fired or are some individuals overpaid? Of course. The Navy doesn’t have exclusive rights to the dirtbags or malingerers of the world. Just as the Navy doesn’t have exclusive rights to hardworking, dedicated people. And just because someone has an education does not exclude them from either of the above categories.
Another thing to ponder. Your benefits, whether used or not, are used to calculate your overall pay by the bean counters and anybody else who want’s to cut (or improve) your pay and benefits. I know it used to **** me off in my early Navy days when the Chief or Divo would spout off about how much I really made. ‘Cuz I sure wasn’t seeing it in my paycheck.
I did not even touch on the retirement package. As someone who has recently retired from the Military, I can say from my perspective and research the Military retirement package is far better than the Federal civilian package (FERS). However, the majority of the Federal Civilian work force does not volunteer to go in harms way (but some do). Again, generalizations shouldn’t be applied as it can also be argued that not every retired service member was in harms way during their career.
In the end, I think Congress pays the Military and Federal civilians the minimum amount that is needed to achieve the end state they are after. The problem is they can’t figure out what end state they are after!
To close this long-winded diatribe I would say, be very careful when you read, watch, or hear some generalized statement or “fact”. Scuttlebutt fits in here too.