Remo's Account talk

I've been waiting for a nice correction like today so I could jump back in to the C & S funds.!! Woohoooo! Mr. toads wild ride. I hope we get another day of corrections so I can get more bang for my buck when the Inter-fund transfer finally hits.
Date of Request: 12/12/2006
Time of Request: 17:53:12 Eastern
Effective Date: 12/13/2006

Investment Percentages You Requested:
L 2040: 0% L 2030: 0% L 2020: 0% L 2010: 0% L INCOME: 0% G FUND: 0% F FUND: 0% C FUND: 0% S FUND: 0% I FUND: 100%
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Next time include your SSN# and PIN, my account needs a boost - just kidding :nuts:

Seriously, you do not need to post your account balances or confirmations (in fact I highly recommend against it - you never know when TSP will start embedding information into your confirmations like they do with the LES on MyPay, as all my DoD counterparts can atest to. You could accidently post some important info.)

Date of Request: 12/12/2006
Time of Request: 17:53:12 Eastern
Effective Date: 12/13/2006

Investment Percentages You Requested:
L 2040: 0% L 2030: 0% L 2020: 0% L 2010: 0% L INCOME: 0% G FUND: 0% F FUND: 0% C FUND: 0% S FUND: 0% I FUND: 100%
[Edited by Spaf]
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I guess I didn't delete all of it. THAT WON"T HAPPEN AGAIN! Thanks for looking after me folks!
Two million home foreclosures between 2005-2006...biggest inflation spike in years... the dollar can't seem to catch a break...yet the economy still keeps plugging along nicely. I can't believe how busy the malls have been since just before Thanksgiving. I think I'll stay in for a little longer. My strategy...hybrid cross between monkey darts, licking my finger and waving it around in the air, and studying historical returns/trends.
Merry Christmas, Happy hannukah, and happy holidays to all you TSPers.
Hope everyone is basking in the pleasure of post christmas holidays!

Can anyone tell me, when do the tally trackers (kinda of neat nick name)take into account my IFT? is it in real time? or do they follow different rules. Also, does anyone else have to make their IFT transactions 2 days in advance? For instance, this morning, a couple of hours before the opening bell I made an IFT hoping to cash in on what I felt was good economic news in both the domestic and internantional markets. I think...and I might be wrong, that I actually missed today's market increase. I think I got a little bump from Tuesday's 2cent rise in the F-fund but will have completely missed today's rally!! Am I making any sense? Someone please straighten me out.
Holy crap! I'm taking a pounding. I feel like Ohio State after the BCS championship! Starting tomorrow I'm going into a defensive posture to try and stop some of this hemorrhaging. MEDIC! Tourniquette! Stat!
Turn on your DCA 100% into your fund of choice and relax. Let the redeemer help you out of this hole you're into.
Someone who is already retired does not have DCA. That stands for dollar cost averaging using your payroll contribution and matching if applicable. The total amount that can be contributed is $15,500 plus another $5000 for those over age fifty. It could be as much as $798 per pay period. That's why I call it the redeemer of mistakes - leave it up to fate.
It's a lot more fun than constantly sitting on the Lilly Pad - which has a 50% rate of our leaders attention. Meaning 50% of last years' moves were spent in the G fund. Capital preservation - certainly but also dull. At least with an active DCA program a member is always going to be buying, sometimes higher and sometimes lower. For some the game is share accumulation rather than always CP.
I am starting to beleive. This market timing is tough and at times costly.

That is an understatement!! I was getting a little greedy and learned an inexpensive lesson.... You can't time the TSP. Atleast not in the short run.:embarrest:
It's a lot more fun than constantly sitting on the Lilly Pad - which has a 50% rate of our leaders attention. Meaning 50% of last years' moves were spent in the G fund. Capital preservation - certainly but also dull. At least with an active DCA program a member is always going to be buying, sometimes higher and sometimes lower. For some the game is share accumulation rather than always CP.

Aaaaaah...the fickle finger of fate. You know that feeling you get, when you're at the black jack tables in Vegas, and you just lost 5 hands in a row after being up $500, you've been up all night, your eyelids feel like sand paper, and you're saying to yourself, "there's no way, this dragon-lady of a dealer can get exactly 21 in 6 cards again"? I'm kinda feeling that way right now! I'm a believer in DCA and should have stuck to that strategy. I'll be a little more disciplined in the future. After all..."It's only a flesh wound!" ;)
Ok, so now I'm on the lily pad, I'm done licking my wounds. I've taken inventory of my faculties and I no longer have the two appendages that allow me to jump. So, I will wait for a nice big correction and I will roll myself over the side...
Aaaaaah...the fickle finger of fate. You know that feeling you get, when you're at the black jack tables in Vegas, and you just lost 5 hands in a row after being up $500, you've been up all night, your eyelids feel like sand paper, and you're saying to yourself, "there's no way, this dragon-lady of a dealer can get exactly 21 in 6 cards again"? I'm kinda feeling that way right now! I'm a believer in DCA and should have stuck to that strategy. I'll be a little more disciplined in the future. After all..."It's only a flesh wound!" ;)

I beleive DCA works but I like the blackjack analogy. I have won 5 hands in a row and the odds are stacking against me. So why keep putting more on the table because eventually the house will take your winnings and then some.
I'm back in. I have too much money in the TSP to be chasing the Market. I'm going long. Dispersal pattern set! Fire for effect!

I'm not going to touch this mix unless something drastic happens...(another terrorist attack,God forbid, or a major meteor takes out the eastern seaboard)
Wish me luck.:nuts: