rcknfrewld's account talk

im trying to think of a good comeback...but im still laughing too hard...thought about posting some dumb picture arming cats with titanium drivers and bearing my flabby arms...fwm and james could do better
cooler alert...went 50% I tomorrow's cob...here comes the correction we have been waiting for...atleast i can through the other half down the hole with it
don't tell da birchman but I sold today for another 1% + gain...im looking for an entry around 15.00 for the I fund come August...say what...yeah...I have been biding my time....market top buying scares me...a healthy correction of 30% would get me back in the I fund....I still see 30.00 a share in my 8 ball.

How do you sell for a 1% gain?
i don't understand that so well
that was a while ago...bought I fund and maybe sold it a few days and or week(s) later for small % gain...got lucky going in and out quick...that's not to be advised though...you can get burned by dollar strength, fair value, tsp overlords and other things I don't understand with the I fund...you would be better off reading other people's threads...troll around awhile and you find out who knows their stuff...you can follow their moves on the auto tracker....certain people always do well year in and year out...check out contrarianjeff, for ex...he doesn't post much unless he is egged on enough...go find his thread and read all of it from page 1.........I hijack my own thread with nonsensical stuff....check out this crazy cat named burrocrat...read his posts when you need a good laugh...any more questions feel free i've got nothing else to do
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hey konakathy...happened to stumble upon the PJ site and saw that "Lightning Bolt" comes out Oct. 15...heard the single 'mind your manners" not bad a bit punky which i like...next thing i know the ad for the new album pops up on the tsptalk page...google works fast
hey Chessguy...happened to see your allocations when I checked the IFT of the day...I am intrigued by your strategy of having allocations in all the fund options....G all the way across the board thru L income...how has that worked out for you...seems like a good hedge play and a lot of fun to have odd gains and losses
Did you hear that George Zimmerman said he was gonna change his name...........(scroll down)

to Ben Ghazi, so the media will stop talking about him
I'm going to put 1 or 2 % into all of the funds...F thru the L2050 and keep the rest in G...I will try my hand at the strategy that we are not to speak of...too boring being out of the market but I can't go all in at these prices
I'm going to put 1 or 2 % into all of the funds...F thru the L2050 and keep the rest in G...I will try my hand at the strategy that we are not to speak of...too boring being out of the market but I can't go all in at these prices

Good for You! I will be anxiously awaiting how it works for you! :nuts:

ChessGuy and I are also primed to act! :cool:
still plan on moving a few % into all 10 funds but I'm wondering if I should use F or G as my safe haven...with F being negative for the first time in years seems like it is due to get back on track...I like the fact that everyone is dissin' the F fund...whenever a fund is reeling and being bad mouthed the contrarianjeff in me wants to buy
armbears,bostonbomber,fauxnews,Greece,carbontax,benghazi,liberal,conservative,sodaban,abortion,xlpipeline,socialist,communist,capitalist,guncontrol,poverty,minimumwage,Doomberg,Madcow,civilrights,NSA,taxes,Egypt,Hilary,obummer,globalwarming,climatechange,votersuppression,racist,homophobe,bigot,sexist,PMSNBC,Holder,Sandy,Christie,phonyscandals,snopeit,Kochbros,solarpanel,chevyvolt,bigoil,neighborhoodwatchman,fracking,Obamacare,filibuster,Snowden,Weiner,Huma,whistleblower,Castro,honeybooboo,gridlock,standyourground,executiveorder,romneycare,Reverendal,foodstamps,NRA,codewords,racialprofiling,flatearther,crazyasscracker,Manning,birther,welfarequeen,47%,Libya,Sarahpalin,corporationsarentpeople,mediabias,compromise,balancedapproach,Precious,Hannity,999,progressives,policeactedstupidly,bankruptcy,DOJ,greenenergy,dirtycoal,trickledown,middleout,bipartisan,murderkill,whitehispanic,Bushsfault,spreadthewealth,partyofno,santaclause,Obamaphone,subsidy,,nannystate,voterid,taxexempt,youdidntbuildthat,EPA...what else do I have to say
Are we supposed to sing this to the tune of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire?"...PO
ding, ding, ding...good catch
coworkers are starting to brag about their TSP returns...it started last week...one even printed up his TSP account balance to prove to me how much he had made this year...some complained because they didn't make as much as the next guy...I use the TSP chatter at work as my contrarian indicator...when Betsy and Bill start discussing TSP look out for the trap door

riddle me this...what travels all around the world but stays in one spot
coworkers are starting to brag about their TSP returns...it started last week...one even printed up his TSP account balance to prove to me how much he had made this year...some complained because they didn't make as much as the next guy...I use the TSP chatter at work as my contrarian indicator...when Betsy and Bill start discussing TSP look out for the trap door

riddle me this...what travels all around the world but stays in one spot

A stamp..

How much does a polar bear weigh?