rcknfrewld's account talk

Finally talked my mom into switching financial advisers after seeing her statements from last year...she actually lost a few percent points...he had her in commodities and international funds which I even knew she shouldn't have been in...anyways the guy at the Mutual Fund Store agreed and is getting her in the correct allocations for her age...I was picking his brain about the market and voiced my concern about being at a top now...he had this chart on the wall showing the entire history of the S&P, Dow, Bonds and so on...he showed me the multiple times where the market was thought to be at a top and couldn't dare go any higher, only to soar up thousands of Dow points and hundreds of S&P points....it gives you a whole new perspective on the market when you view it in the big picture.... the market crashes seemed to be just minor blips, buying opportunities, towards newer highs...at the time I'm sure they felt horrible, I am new and only experienced 2008...in the moment it was terrible but really it was a bump in the road. I think the chart was from Morningstar...worth taking a look at
Moved into G Friday taking profits from being in I all week...applying a new strategy here...I want to have cash so I am able to buy the dips that come along...hopefully when there is a 5% or greater correction I will put for example 20% of my account into stocks, probably I and C funds, and then lock in gains...and buy more on future corrections
Moved into G Friday taking profits from being in I all week...applying a new strategy here...I want to have cash so I am able to buy the dips that come along...hopefully when there is a 5% or greater correction I will put for example 20% of my account into stocks, probably I and C funds, and then lock in gains...and buy more on future corrections

So you'll keep the majority in G and only invest about a smaller percentage?

Personally, I have been going 50/50. And like you, I moved to G Friday locking in my gains this month, looking for a pull back to get back in.
I'm going to use the 2 transfers to stocks per month and hopefully lock in gains by rebalancing to G...depending on the size of the correction....I'll transfer more of my G account into stocks the larger the correction....a 10% downturn might call for transferring at least 50% to stocks...I always want to have "cash" on the sidelines to jump in when I want to...if I go 100% in I can't do that....I want to have as many options as possible
Looking at my Morningstar Andex history chart we are due for another 1,000 Dow points and a 100 or so S&P points...we have been flat for over 10 years now...the market has always gone up since it's inception...just not straight up...years of consolidations need to take place before it rises significantly
I am running a Masters pool at work and thought maybe we could do it here...you pick 5 golfers and take the top 4 out of 5 based on their finish...say your guys finish 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th(that's my plan)...your "score would be 10....add up your top 4 finishes....low "score" wins...if a golfer misses the cut "he" would receive last place finish plus 10 pts....tiebreaker could be for ex....lowest round shot over four days wins...

Tom I can run this pool...anyone interested would just have to post their 5 golfers they want and I can give daily updates after each round on my account thread
They practically play it in my backyard, but I don't know a thing about it. I was surrounded by Master's logos last night trying to get a table for dinner.
BUMP.........I am running a Masters pool at work and thought maybe we could do it here...you pick 5 golfers and take the top 4 out of 5 based on their finish...say your guys finish 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th(that's my plan)...your "score would be 10....add up your top 4 finishes....low "score" wins...if a golfer misses the cut "he" would receive last place finish plus 10 pts....tiebreaker could be for ex....lowest round shot over four days wins...

Tom I can run this pool...anyone interested would just have to post their 5 golfers they want and I can give daily updates after each round on my account thread

Need golfers by early Thursday morning
Nice, rcknfrwld. I would think you would want to start this in its own thread - probably in the lounge - with the "Master's Golf Pool". Otherwise it may not draw enough attention in your personal thread.
on doomberg tv, just saw a study was conducted with a stock picking monkey beating the index funds...maybe i'll have to find my old dartboard and throw some...
I said gophers you idiot, if you kill all the golfers they'll lock you up and throw away the key

shh, that's my backup retirement plan. 3 free hots and a cot. plus they have these cool stainless steel toilet sink combos so i'll never have to worry about remembering to put the seat down again.