I used a second IFT to once again spread between c and S Fund, but I'm getting nervous. At COB, I'll be 50% C and 50% S from 100% C. I read Lance Roberts quite a bit and he keeps a healthy dose of fear instilled in me. This article is very believable:
https://realinvestmentadvice.com/pa...A Email Marketing Software&utm_term=READ MORE
"Passive ETFs are hiding a bear market in stocks."
"There is no precedent for when so many stocks were in a bear market, yet the index was near its historical highs."
"Despite the best intentions, individual investors
are NOT passive even though they invest in
“passive” vehicles. Eventually, some exogenous, unexpected event will change investors’ “speculative” psychology. When the psychology changes from
“bullish” to
“bearish,” the rush to liquidate entire baskets of stocks will accelerate the decline making sell-offs more violent than what we saw in the past. This concentration of risk, lack of liquidity, and a market increasingly driven by
“robot trading algorithms,” reversals are no longer a slow and methodical process
but rather a stampede with little regard to price, valuation, or fundamental measures as the exit becomes very narrow. March 2020 was just a
“sampling” of what will happen to the markets when the next bear market begins."
Lord, grant me the wisdom to avoid previous mistakes.