Post Your "12-Month Personal Rate of Return"

Holy shrinking nesteggs, Batman!

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 09/30/2011 is 2.15%.
Thru sept my PIP is 13.1%. I guess in the overall scope of things that's not too bad. However, I was in G for most of Sept (which was good) but never got on-board the Oct train until the second week (bad...missed about +8%). So will have to see how my Oct PIP holds up!
I notice the top 50 in the AT are still pretty much on the sidelines. When/if the 'herd' gets on board with this rally we could really see some movement! :suspicious:
I have an extremely nice -2.62% PIP.
Nice, very nice

By the way folks this summer, last summer, and most summers are usually lousy. Don't worry too much about summer over summer returns. And, picking September and/or October YOY usually requires anti-depressants to get through.

Here comes November!!!
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 09/30/2011 is 6.41%

whew! recovering after my july fiasco! If all goes well for rest of year i should close out 2011 at 10ish.
Ouch, I went from 42% last month to 17.02% this month. I moved from the S to the F-fund today after the rebound.
-2.94% - I guess it could have been much worse. I have historically realized very good gains over the distant and not too distant past so I'll take the lickin this time.

53% C, 45% I, and 2% S

87 days to go amigos, 87 days!
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 09/30/2011 is 8.06%.

Sweet when I'm in the 5% draw mode. 3.06% for future retirement.:D
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 09/30/2011 is -6.75%

Getting my butt kicked. :mad: