Post Your "12-Month Personal Rate of Return"

I have an extremely nice -2.62% PIP.
Nice, very nice

By the way folks this summer, last summer, and most summers are usually lousy. Don't worry too much about summer over summer returns. And, picking September and/or October YOY usually requires anti-depressants to get through.

Here comes November!!!
Thru sept my PIP is 13.1%. I guess in the overall scope of things that's not too bad. However, I was in G for most of Sept (which was good) but never got on-board the Oct train until the second week (bad...missed about +8%). So will have to see how my Oct PIP holds up!
I notice the top 50 in the AT are still pretty much on the sidelines. When/if the 'herd' gets on board with this rally we could really see some movement! :suspicious:
Holy shrinking nesteggs, Batman!

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 09/30/2011 is 2.15%.
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 10.63%

Wow and I'm drawing 5%.

I guess it's good to miss losses.:)
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 6.32%

Well, yeah...had all but one fin on a Lilly pad for the past month...
[TABLE="class: tableClear"]
[TD="class: alignLeft"] [/TD]
[TD="class: alignLeft"]Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 14.62%.
Guess I need to get back in the market!
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 2.87%.

I was negative last month. WEEEEEEEE!!!!!
"Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 23.11%."

Not shabby. YTD I'm at 17ish, let's see how this week finishes.
[TABLE="class: tableClear"]
[TD="class: alignLeft"]Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 11.38%.
(Your PIP is posted by the 3rd business day of each month.)

[TABLE="class: tableClear"]
[TD="class: alignLeft"]Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 5.08%.
Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2011 is 17.61%.

Up from 10% last month.... :blink: More importantly I finally regained by TSP high from Dec of '07. It's been a long 4 yrs!

(Knock on wood!)
TSP has updated the returns. I am at the bottom end of my goal (8-12% a year).

There are others with far better numbers, but for me I am right on track to reach my
retirement goal. I am beating all the TSP funds for the past 12 months, at least I think I am.

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 11/30/2011 is 8.18%.
(Your PIP is posted by the 3rd business day of each month.)