Well....it is getting interesting. It's sounding pretty "gloomy" in here.
But, I've gotta say...I don't think it's the end of the world as we know it....or the end of America. Maybe the America that we have gotten used to (or more like...."spoiled") having sooooo much and being very rich compared to most of the rest of the world....and maybe, as a general population....ungrateful, but it should bring about some good changes for our country. At least, I have faith in humanity, and America, that we can, and will, change....for we are about to see the need to do so. There's gonna be some pain....no doubt about that one. Many more lost jobs and homes and hungry folks. We need to start being more aware and seeing what those of us that "have" can do to help those who are/will be caught up in this as the ones that "do not have". That's the least we can do, and it will help us get our minds off of "how bad we have it", or at least think we have it.
A lot of us are old enough to remember much, much harder times than we have now, and harder than we are going to have, I'm sure. Many of those already retired didn't always have electricity, or bathrooms in the house, or lots of other things....certainly not a car for every family member and boats and "toys" and much bigger houses than we need, and we sure never had to rent a building/room just to store the "stuff" we own in becuase our oversized houses can't hold it all?!? Much more could be said about all that folks in this country used to not have compared to the last good number of years. Things are gonna change, and we all will have to change with them. That's all there is, and it ain't all that bad....it will most likely end up turning out good for the country in the long run. Could make us as Americans decide that this is "our" home and stop so much fighting and claiming "rights" and sueing the heck outta each other for insane reasons, and a host of other things that go on now that make you just shake your head in wonderment.
Here's a pretty neat website...much worth taking a look at:
Life ahead in this country is not so dismal.....it's simply going to make some changes....and most likely become a lot more interesting. The stock market isn't our life.....really. That'll become more clear as well. Although it is still fun, and entertaining, to watch the market react to every little wind of worry....but, it'll all be OK in time. Time.....time.....time. In the meantime....look for someone to help out. Not talking about those looking (who always have looked) for a handout....talking about those that need, and deserve, to be helped out during these tough times.