Poolman's Account Talk

I did notice a little pickup after I ran the optimization script, but it was after 12 noon ET so that's not a great test.

So yes, thanks to those who helped today, but let's go back to "normal" Monday so we can watch it and see where the slowdown might be occuring. It may be something minor, or it could be time to upgrade to a bigger server.


Sounds Good Tom,

It would be better that way. The System really did get Bad Tom... Thank

You for getting this resolved. :)
I thought I was doom and gloom thinking we might go into the 600s S&P and he's talking even lower.

I don't see anything that says the market should start trending up anytime soon. It all looks really really bad.

The feeling I get is the people in power are realizing they may not be able to stop this but they can't afford the general puplic to know.

What amazes me is that in the middle of all the turmoil the selfish bastards still have the same selfish mindset. Just look at this so called stimulis package. Why don't they just $%*t on us.

They may be able to keep the ponzi scheme going a little longer buy running the presses 27/7 but for how long? I hope awhile I need more time.

Get your garden going.

I thought I was doom and gloom thinking we might go into the 600s S&P and he's talking even lower.

I don't see anything that says the market should start trending up anytime soon. It all looks really really bad.

The feeling I get is the people in power are realizing they may not be able to stop this but they can't afford the general puplic to know.

What amazes me is that in the middle of all the turmoil the selfish bastards still have the same selfish mindset. Just look at this so called stimulis package. Why don't they just $%*t on us.

They may be able to keep the ponzi scheme going a little longer buy running the presses 27/7 but for how long? I hope awhile I need more time.

Get your garden going.

Good job on how you interpreted this.

I don't think the Government can stop this disaster myself. It is Truly

Scary. I cannot make my Mother Budge from her way's. I know that when

we pop what it will be Big but where is the Catalyst Now ?

It's not and now we will go down a way's....:worried:
I seriously hope I'm wrong and guys like Birtchtree have the correct outlook for the future but I can't see it. Like you and everyone here I spend a lot of time going over economic news. I see nothing but hard times in our future.

I live in a major city but have a possible opportunity to take a job with an agency I used to work for. It would be in a semi-remote area of the northwest. I'm hoping it comes through because I see civil unrest in our future.

-bear market possible to 2015. Possible 800 then 810 then way down.
-Stocktiming.com says dollar is set for a major change--up or down--before June
-Schiff points out that our debt is now interest only for forever so central banks and private investors have to consciously accept Treasury returns rather than use principal.
-continuing parade of almost exclusively dismal economic news.
-Government intervention reaching new heights, by borrowing, assuming lending will come. No word on how the spread the wealth will become sustainable.
-Denninger seems to predict a probable CA default and cites an example of what our society expects
-The parade of collapsing pension fund values for baby boomers continues.
-Dennis says we are set for a major rocket up and is counting dividends
I seriously hope I'm wrong and guys like Birtchtree have the correct outlook for the future but I can't see it. Like you and everyone here I spend a lot of time going over economic news. I see nothing but hard times in our future.


This would be the time to Buy. But I don't think it will work this time. Obama has been in office for 1 1/2 weeks now and thing's have already seemed to slow down. He talks a good talk. He Say's he will create all of these new job's but does not say "As A Matter Of Fact" how he will do it.

FOMC Outcome was also weak. There where No matter of fact solutions, only the Goverment will Not let this Economy go to hell in a hand Basket.

I got scared Wednday after the close.

This article that Birtchtree posted the other day really makes it look statistically like we could have a booming rally of a year. The economic stucture has changed so much in the span that the article covers but human behavior hasn't as this excerpt from the article explains.

"How can this be? The markets are vastly different today than 101 years ago. Very true. But one thing that hasn't changed is human emotions. Greed and fear drives speculators today just like it did a century ago. The interaction of these emotions with herd psychology works the same way today as it did back then. A 10% or 20% selloff episode in those markets was just as scary to those investors as a similar decline is to us today"

This seems to me a very valid and strong argument to be bullish. I'm not but this is the only argument I've seen that has caused me to question my position.

The one exception in the article seems to be the great depression and that is something to really ponder. I tend to think we are in an exception to the statistics.
Got this in the email the other day....you may have seen it....still it's cute:

This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format:

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?
A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?
A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?
A. Only a smidgen.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?
A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set or a new computer, thus stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China?
A. Shut up.

Lobo :)
Well....it is getting interesting. It's sounding pretty "gloomy" in here.

But, I've gotta say...I don't think it's the end of the world as we know it....or the end of America. Maybe the America that we have gotten used to (or more like...."spoiled") having sooooo much and being very rich compared to most of the rest of the world....and maybe, as a general population....ungrateful, but it should bring about some good changes for our country. At least, I have faith in humanity, and America, that we can, and will, change....for we are about to see the need to do so. There's gonna be some pain....no doubt about that one. Many more lost jobs and homes and hungry folks. We need to start being more aware and seeing what those of us that "have" can do to help those who are/will be caught up in this as the ones that "do not have". That's the least we can do, and it will help us get our minds off of "how bad we have it", or at least think we have it.

A lot of us are old enough to remember much, much harder times than we have now, and harder than we are going to have, I'm sure. Many of those already retired didn't always have electricity, or bathrooms in the house, or lots of other things....certainly not a car for every family member and boats and "toys" and much bigger houses than we need, and we sure never had to rent a building/room just to store the "stuff" we own in becuase our oversized houses can't hold it all?!? Much more could be said about all that folks in this country used to not have compared to the last good number of years. Things are gonna change, and we all will have to change with them. That's all there is, and it ain't all that bad....it will most likely end up turning out good for the country in the long run. Could make us as Americans decide that this is "our" home and stop so much fighting and claiming "rights" and sueing the heck outta each other for insane reasons, and a host of other things that go on now that make you just shake your head in wonderment.

Here's a pretty neat website...much worth taking a look at:


Life ahead in this country is not so dismal.....it's simply going to make some changes....and most likely become a lot more interesting. The stock market isn't our life.....really. That'll become more clear as well. Although it is still fun, and entertaining, to watch the market react to every little wind of worry....but, it'll all be OK in time. Time.....time.....time. In the meantime....look for someone to help out. Not talking about those looking (who always have looked) for a handout....talking about those that need, and deserve, to be helped out during these tough times.

Lobo :)