Hi Nordic,
Hey I'm sorry I missed this post. I see it was a few days ago. LOL on the pumps joke. I've just gotten buy over the last 3 or 4 weeks. I'm in the process of working for myself. I'm doing Handyman types services for people and it has just taken off.
I still have not been interested in the markets to date this year. I'm also thinking we could have a retest of that almost 1000 point drop we had last week. Although there has been lot's of excuses for what happened that day and people want to chalk it up to error it still leaves a Gap. And 9 out of 10 times Gaps get filled.
Thanks for Writing.
Great to hear from you sir, was beginning to get concerned about you. Hey, be sure to enjoy your pool once in awhile, you know what they say about all work and no play. Hope your business brings you wealth and happiness.
Agreed on the retest, I'm personally looking at exiting on the next Green Day. I came down with some blind squirrel flu and not only missed all of last week's losses, but got in while the getting was good this week. And now that I've jinxed myself, I'm thinking about calling it a month.
Drop in when you can!