First to answer the last post, the difference in the amount was due to my high three. I took a new job 1[SUP]1/2[/SUP] years ago at about a 20% pay increase. So, duh, of course high three will go up. I just never thought so much. The other question for HR was why they always recommend FERS employees retire at the end of the month. Answer is your first interim annuity payment arrives on the first day of the second month after retirement. In other words retiring 6/30 starts the annuity 7/1 which is paid 8/1. So retiring 7/8 starts the annuity 8/1 and the first payment is 9/1.
I thought I had it all planned out, retire 6/30, sell back 336 days AL, start SS at 66y2mo on 7/1, SO starts SS at the same time 62y5mo, still get military annuity and VA disability, kick back and not have to touch TSP. Maybe.
Then I attended a webex about something unrelated and they had a presentation from my HR go to person about military, CSRS and other time deposits or buy back. Guess the end of the year is slow for this division.
I started thinking that the last time I addressed this was 2014 and maybe I should check it out again since my pay has increased since then.
Back story-when I hired on as a FED in 19 and 97 I was told that if I paid the deposit I would have to waive my military annuity at that time. The amount of the deposit at that time was $11,199 which was a small fortune I didn’t have so based on the amount and information about the annuity it was a no brainer to say no thank you.
Along about 2012 I ran in to a FED who was also a retired military lifer who claimed he was buying back his military time and still receiving his military annuity. He did not have to waive it until he started drawing his FED annuity at retirement. He also stated he would lose none of the other lifer benefits such as access to exchange, commissary and most importantly TriCare health insurance.
I did some checking on my own and found he was right. I also checked out the money difference in FED annuity after deposit v military annuity + Fed annuity at that time and came up that it was better to remain status quo. The only real difference was I would have been retirement eligible under MRA+10.
I revisited this in 2014 and found it would take almost 10 years to reach the break even point after paying the deposit and the FED annuity still wasn’t enough even with collecting SS at 62yo. So I put that idea away.
Now I find that the break even point from 6/30/18 is 2[SUP]1/2[/SUP] years and the additional income is over $8k per year. I have yet to have gotten an official annuity estimate if I pay the deposit and haven’t really verified that it will not reduce or eliminate the VA disability pay and health insurance under TriCare for Life.
Lot’s to check out keeping in mind that males from both sides of my ancestry usually expire in their early 80s. I would be 69y8mo old at the break even point under the buy back scenario. Would it be worth it?
Is there anyone out there in a similar situation who could tell me their experience? Similar being, receiving military annuity, VA disability pay, paid military deposit to get FERS credit for the years, waived military annuity at FERS retirement and did it effect the VA disability or TriCare insurance?