Well-known member
I know what you mean about that 62yo info. To me it was a nice fact to find out since I was planning to work until 65 anyway. It coincided with 20 years federal service so seemed like a reasonable place to stop. My situation is different from many of my fellow feds. I was aware of the MRA+10 and 62+5 rules but think it is going to be worth waiting for 62+20. For most, that rule is best not mentioned.Hi PO. I'm in a bit different situation than you being retired CSRS. However, we contacted SS a while back and were told that both my wife and I can collect our individual SS benefits at the same time. However, in my case I have elected to defer my SS benefits until after I'm 67 because of the CSRS offset which has a rather negative impact for CSRSers. My wife receives her benefits and I am entitled to receive my benefits (subject to the CSRS offset). All I have to do is contact SS. Hope it is as simple as that for you also.
Now, on to a more important issue. Please be very cautious when posting incendiary knowledge that the unenlightened might read. If the SO's in our world become aware that they get 1.1% times your high three if you work until 62....NO ONE gets out of the salt mines. Dangerous stuff.![]()
Best of luck to you as you and your SO prepare for retirement. It is beyond great.
Now about that SS question. I looked in to it and both myself and my wife can receive SS retirement payments. She receives her own payments plus enough to equal spouse benefits from my SS if it is a higher amount. Spouse benefits are computed using common fractions like [SUP]25[/SUP]⁄[SUB]36[/SUB] and [SUP]5[/SUP]⁄[SUB]12[/SUB] of ½ of my base amount at my full retirement age.
Bottom line is her own SS retirement at 62 is more than spouse benefits would be until she turns 65 and 1 month. Even if she waits until her full SS retirement age the difference is only $120 per month.
The plan is I will apply at full SS retirement age. SO will apply whenever she decides after turning 62. That is her money and does not figure in to my retirement calculations.
Now a question about the actual nuts and bolts. I know that my first payment will be the fourth Wednesday of the month following the month I first start receiving benefits. What seems uncertain is what month that is. If I apply in May will I receive the payment in June or July?