Chart this morning- not looking good.
We're at 1252 right now. If it drops below 1250, and I think it will, we will get a reappearance of three "O"s. And that simply signifiies continued weakness in the market.
I'd say it's a pretty good bet that 1250 will break yet this morning. We've bounced off it a couple times, but it's not looking like we're going to hold there, at least when you look at the rest of the markets. S is expecially weak today.
The markets are weak. There isn't any good news anywhere, so in these kind of doldurms, we appear to be drifting lower, simply because there isn't any good news to propel a move upward. The fundementals of the market remain bearish. No light at the end of the tunnnel yet for real estate, either in number of foreclosures nor in values stopping their fall. Although we had some releif on the oil side, that now has been negated with news of lower inventories of gasoline, and a return to higher prices on the oil front. Although we might not get the price spikes on oil back up to the 150 level any time soon, we're cetainly not going to fall down below 120 either. So the markets aren't really happy with that. No news means sidways on oil.
Except- here comes another tropical storm into the Gulf. Again, worries about that will affect oil prices later this week. So I am thinking we'll continue the downward trend on stocks for a while.
one last note: the broader market (Wilshire 4500, or "S" fund), has lost it's luster, and is falling off a cliff this morning.
Perhaps Cramer was wrong in calling a bottom.
Bears rule.
that's all.