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Well, you have to look at the NAVs for Far East funds (MSCI Australia, MSCI Hong Kong, MSCI Japan, MSCI Malaysia, MSCI Singapore and MSCI Taiwan)and update them asof 10:00am PST for the current business day. All other fund NAVsget updated as of 8:30 pm PST. In other words, it is really magic (and it is the way they "I" fund prices are really calculated.)Good call on the I Fund price, Safetyguy. I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time. Mind sharing the magic formula?
I don't doubt that smedlap. Pulled back today because the dollar is probably going to rally for a week or so. FOMC next week. Any gains will be muted by a rising dollar. C Fund may be the way to go in the near term. I did keep 20% in the I fund though. Oil may start taking a toll on this market if it doesn't decline soon.Hi Coolhand! When the S and C rebound, you will get your ride in the I fund. Out mid June to G, back to C mid October and into I fundJan for a bigger ride to Euro 1.7 to the dollar. That's the surehand, maybe written in sand! But we'll see. Nice to be essentially unharmed so far! Think Tom may soon lead the charge back into stocks from his G fund fortress. He's played US stocks well so far!
Ibelieve it closes at 4:00EST. There is a currency component to this fund that also affects its share price. Yesterday the dollar was down hard against the major currencies, but equities got hammered too, in effect just about canceling each other out. In this case the lower dollar didn't quite make up for the losses in equities.I guess my quetion is when does the I fund open and close.
Coolhand, Thanks for the info on the I Fund. Do you have any speculations as to why it is falling and how long it will last? I know that the US $ is gaining, but there has got to be more.
In large measure it is falling because of the twin deficits. We are consuming more than we are producing. We are also flooding the market with dollars. This causes inflation if not controlled. If foreign currency was not buying our debt our interest rates would be much higher rightnow. As long as our debt continues to be funded by overseas buyers, it acts as support for our economy. This cannot go on forever. As we take on more and more debt we become more risky to bond investors. The bond market expects to be compensated for increased risk. But this leads us to aconundrum. Bonds have not risen in response to fed rate hikes. Instead they have fallen (up until the last couple of weeks or so).The last couple of daysthe dollar was gaining strength again because in my view it isanticipatinganother rate hike (next week). By raising the lending rate the fed acts to curb inflation, which acts to quell investor fears.So the dollar rises in response.But it much more complicated than this.Until mid-morning today,the dollar was gaining strenth big time. Thenthe Michigan Sentiment number came in low and oil has reversed course (gaining) whichput downward pressure on the dollar. These kind of issues, and others, act as drags on our economy and affect the dollar. This is really a pretty complicated process with considerable variables. I cannot speculate on how long it will last, but until we gain control of our debt I doubt the dollar will rise too far. Next weeks FOMC may help give us a little more idea on what may happen. I'll be watching.
About BigT and the desert, When military members refer to the desert they are talking about Iraq or Afganistan. No 4x4'n there unless you have a FAV (Fast Attack Vehicle) I think that is what he was talking about.
Dooohhh! I knew that, I knew that. See what civilian life does to ya.![]()
Keep the info comming on the I fund. You'll be the next resident expert:^
You bet!
It is getting to the point that their GDP is getting hurt by holding USDs. There will be a run for the door and it is going to be ugly. Like I said, probably German is going to start dumping first...then the USD will fall to 74 overnight.Hey Dr. D, good question. My response would be that foreign investors cannot afford to let the dollar slide too far so they buy treasuries to keep it propped up. If our economy sinks, so does theirs. It's a double-edged sword.
Down 71% in 7 years is a little??? 33% in the last two years.All this gloom & doom stuff guys just because the dollar is sliding a little!