Have you noticed that thar hasn't been any move in Congreeesss to regulate the oil industry.....at least attempt to regulate the oil/gas somewhat like the market, it would be a smart move because energy is such a necessary commodity....in the long run it would help regulate the economy on the whole......and yes, there are formidable problems, such as oil trading in $.....$ goes down in value....oil go up.......of course, there are those who want the oil and gas prices high..... but maybe they should have stopped trading the futures when they exceeded a certain yearly percentage increase........and then of course the spring/fall changeover of gasoline....hasn't anyone heard of extra storage for just that period....???
I did see that someone has found a way to store methane in a more compact space, its not easy to do since methane doesn't like to condense when pressured .......this has alot of renewable energy reprecussions.....have you ever made a digester before??? It's not hard to do.....
Will someone stop this oil train so we can get off!!!