Oil Slick Stuff

We jumped up yesterday to $2.79. I wouldn't mind so much if it crept up a nickel or so but the 30-40 cent jumps are killers.
Not only does gas jump up 30 cents yesterday ($2.49 to $2.79) but starting Monday the Ohio gas tax goes up another 10.5 cents/gallon.:angryfire:
Gas taxes to rise in these states in July

By Brittany De LeaPublished June 29, 2019

Will gas prices rise at the pump this summer?

Oil prices surge amid surge amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and Iran. OPIS Energy Analysis global head Tom Kloza with more.

While gasOpens a New Window. prices in the U.S. have generally been declining throughout recent weeks, driversOpens a New Window.in some states will feel a little bit of extra pain starting Monday, when a number of states raise their gas taxes.
The national average for fuel prices as of Friday was $2.70 per gallon, down from $2.82 one month ago and $2.85 at this time last year, according to AAA.

Here’s a look at some states where taxes are rising beginning next month:


Had to fill up the tank yesterday since I was getting close to "E". In the morning gas was $2.57 after work it jumped up to $2.89. Thieves. ;damnit
Price fell $.04 during the day. $2.899. Cheapest station is 4 miles away but $2.659. That might make sense, 10 gal saves $2.50. Last fill-up was 6/5 and I still have 1/4 tank according to the gauge. Decision, decisions. I am liking this retirement gig and it's corresponding decrease in gasoline usage.

Retribution is coming soon as I will be commuting in the Redwood City CA area where gas is easily $1 more than here.

Cheap crude oil paves way for cheaper gas this fall

Gas prices are expected to make a significant drop this fall, according to AAA.

The national gas price average is poised to lower due to several factors, including cheaper crude oil prices, the drop-off in gasoline demand after Labor Day and the move to winter-blend gasoline.

AAA forecasts the national average to drop to $2.40 or lower this fall.
