Oil Slick Stuff

Brace yourselves, unbridled control by regulation is doing a number on the American people, Cap and Tax failed but is being reborn without Congressional consideration.:nuts:

Senators warn new EPA rules would raise gas prices
By Judson Berger
Published January 13, 2012
| FoxNews.com

Dec. 27, 2011: Shown here is a gas station in Swansboro, N.C.
Senators from both sides of the aisle are warning that looming EPA regulations on gasoline could impose billions of dollars
in additional costs on the industry and end up adding up to 25 cents to every gallon of gas.
The senators, in a letter this week to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, urged the agency to back off the yet-to-be-released regulations. Though the EPA has not yet issued any proposal, they claimed the agency is planning to call for a new requirement to reduce the sulfur content in gasoline.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...a-rules-would-raise-gas-prices/#ixzz1jOZW2Kgd[/COLOR]
Brace yourselves, unbridled control by regulation is doing a number on the American people, Cap and Tax failed but is being reborn without Congressional consideration.:nuts:

Senators warn new EPA rules would raise gas prices
By Judson Berger
Published January 13, 2012
| FoxNews.com

Dec. 27, 2011: Shown here is a gas station in Swansboro, N.C.
Senators from both sides of the aisle are warning that looming EPA regulations on gasoline could impose billions of dollars
in additional costs on the industry and end up adding up to 25 cents to every gallon of gas.
The senators, in a letter this week to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, urged the agency to back off the yet-to-be-released regulations. Though the EPA has not yet issued any proposal, they claimed the agency is planning to call for a new requirement to reduce the sulfur content in gasoline.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...a-rules-would-raise-gas-prices/#ixzz1jOZW2Kgd[/COLOR]

EPA doesn't even have a proposal yet and this gets headlines?

What a load of bunk.
Now this is something significant enough to pay attention to-

Nigeria may cut off it's oil exports to the USA.

Key US oil supplier may cut off spigot Sunday

NEW YORK (AP) — One of the biggest suppliers of oil to the United States may shut off the spigot this weekend, pushing crude and gasoline prices higher for Americans.

Nigeria, which supplies 8 percent of U.S. oil imports, could see production halted if striking workers walk off the job Sunday. Workers are demanding the return of a vital government fuel subsidy that has kept gasoline prices low in that impoverished and restive nation of 160 million people.
DUH!!! May have been a good idea to approve the completion of the Keystone pipeline? A forward looking Administration would have jumped on this one and it would have probably been close to completion by now, but NO politics came into the game and it was stopped I hope the GREENIES and PROGRESSIVES like the price of gas higher.:cool: Stupidity is running wild in Washington DC.:blink:
Jan. 16, 2012, 5:49 a.m. EST
Nigeria strikes no imminent threat to oil sector

But the unrest undermines government, reform prospects dimming

Nigeria’s national strike over the removal of a popular fuel subsidy entered its second week on Monday, despite a concession from the president to cut pump prices. But even as workers threaten to shut down production in Africa’s primary oil-producing nation, analysts say the potential impact of their actions is likely to be minimal, at least in the near term.
Gas hit a high note this weekend to the tune of $3.59/gal. Some stations came down 20 cents yesterday to $3.39 but others are still above $3.50/gal. :mad: