Man, did the reporter (and the analysts) ever get that wrong.
She just reported refineries were at 66.7% of their operable capacity.
That's simply wrong.
Only 36% of pre-hurricane production is back at normal levels. And some refineries are not yet even ready to restart - a process that takes some time.
The categories being tracked are:
1. Out of service
2. Restarting
3. Reduced runs
4. Normal production.
She just reported 66.7% of production.
While, this morning, Energy Department reports just 36% production back to normal.
She obviously has the number confused with how much CRUDE OIL is being produced out in the Gulf. And that statistic is not good either.
The news articles talking about reduced inventories are simply the existing inventories are being consumed while workmen (and workwomen) race to repair the damages, and get things back on line.
that's the race we're in right now- which will happen first-
Will the stockpiles run out, and we run out of gas first, or...
Will the workers get the damage repairs, and platforms and refineries back into production before we totally run out.
That's the question.
The race is on.