Oil Slick Stuff

That kind of thinking...fostered by the oil, auto, and military-industrial complex, is exactly why we are where we are now. And "infernal" is not a "new, chic buzzword" at least not for me. I've used it for 20 years. You get real. (Still <3 u Buster.):)

Government needs to stop subsidizing big oil through royalty relief and subsidize R&D of something better...if they had done it at the time of the Arab Oil Embargo we'd already be independent from fossil fuels - at least for transportation.

do a search on youtube for a french company that has a car that runs off compressed air... range? about 40 miles if i remember correctly.
I saw that. It will be available here next year for $18K. Already on the market overseas.:)

of course one would have to factor in the cost to run the air comperssor etc...

plus 40 miles isnt very far and the car probably cant pass US safety standards as it is
Remember this news report from March (putting oil at $120 by Sept)... if only we were so lucky.. :(

Crude May Rise to $120 in Six Months, Taqa CEO Says (Update2)
By Glen Carey

March 4 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil may rise to $120 a barrel within six months due to the dollar weakness and global political tensions, the chief executive officer of Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. said.

``I think a trading range between $80 and $120 a barrel this year is about right,'' Peter Barker-Homek, the head of the United Arab Emirates state-controlled company, which is also known as Taqa, said in an interview in Dubai today. ``But with the softness of the dollar, and the occasional interruptions that you have because of politics, I think we could see $120 oil.''
Had congress allowed oil exploration in Alaska, the Gulf and other US regions we would have been oil independant by now..But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, the greenies and all their left wing tree hugging friends lobbied to stop such exploration...So now China and Cuba are going after the Gulf oil now...:rolleyes:
Had congress allowed oil exploration in Alaska, the Gulf and other US regions we would have been oil independant by now..But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, the greenies and all their left wing tree hugging friends lobbied to stop such exploration...So now China and Cuba are going after the Gulf oil now...:rolleyes:
Not true. Read and research more. There are plenty of capped reserves. Big oil is sitting on them to drive up the price to where they want it then they might think about putting those fields on production. If they had access to more unexplored pristine areas, they would simply drill and cap that too. The government, big oil and OPEC are too closely interwoven economically for us to ever be completely independent from foreign oil UNTIL we have developed economic alternatives to fossil fuels and technologies that use them. Don't you realize that we export oil as well? We need to stop doing that, first. Wake up.

You're right about China and other foreign countries going after the GOM, but not just in Cuban waters. Our government is selling them leases, too. In US waters. We get a piddling royalty, they get the oil and get to sell it back to us down the road for even more money. Go figure. Google "gulf of mexico lease sales" if you want more info.
Has anyone thought that this oil bubble is completely manufactured? OK. Has anyone thought that this manipulation of the oil industry is the only plan that an oil economy can implement to move industry to develop the next energy alternative, especially in transportation. I do not think it is strange that all these innovated new car designs are being introduced just as the gas prices have reach $4/gallon.
The government must protect our corporations and they must contend with a population that does not want to pay high gas prices, but they must also deal with the oil producers who will lose money if big economies (such as the US) move away from oil as their main source of energy. If OPEC thought they were going to lose a huge long term cash cow (can you say moo?) for short term monetary gain, they would open the faucets to lower the price of oil and stop the urgency for alternative modes of transports. This would slow innovation and prolong our oil addiction. It’s been done before (late 1970-1980s).
The big difference now is that rapid climate change and social responsibility have been thrown into the mix. But even this new social pressure would not have moved the herd (moo) to purchase fuel efficient cars (or alternate energy cars) without a cattle prod (over $80 to fill up my SUV, %$#@& oil companies. I’ll show them. I’m buying a Volt, Prius, Highlander, Smart Car (they’re so cute), etc…). The timing for the release of these new cars and the high oil prices can not be coincidental. I was always told it takes 3-6 years from concept to sales floor for a new car design. But, these new designs will fail if there are no buyers, so, let’s protect the companies and make the people want them.
The only question I have is how the government and corporations can control the oil market? I always heard that OPEC was uncontrollable (blame the big bad Arabs), so why have they not stopped this rush away from oil as the primary transportation fuel by increasing production? Are we at the plateau in available oil or has our government/corporations exerted control for the betterment of the long term survival of our economy and planet. Is this the perfect storm that allows for this radical change in attitude towards oil or has our government’s energy policy finally found traction?

I would really love to have been a fly on the wall during the Chaney energy policy meetings with our oil (energy) driven corporations.
Excellent and very perceptive post, Malyla!

Auto, oil, military-industrial complex, financials, government, all working together hand-in-glove. They overlooked one thing, the domino effect of high oil prices on the rest of the economy. They also didn't figure in the collapse of the credit bubble. That's the only fly in the theory, because if this was an intended "easing" into new technologies, they surely wouldn't have started manipulating the price of oil on top of that.
My personal opinion is that we are being punished for not allowing them to open the oil fields up in Alaska and off the coast in California. Eventually the appropriate pain threshold will be reached and we will open up the gates.

Excellent and very perceptive post, Malyla!

Auto, oil, military-industrial complex, financials, government, all working together hand-in-glove. They overlooked one thing, the domino effect of high oil prices on the rest of the economy. They also didn't figure in the collapse of the credit bubble. That's the only fly in the theory, because if this was an intended "easing" into new technologies, they surely wouldn't have started manipulating the price of oil on top of that.

I disagree. The energy policy is a multi-faceted long term plan (decades). Recessions are short term in comparison (1-3 years). Even if the planners (assuming this is more than a 'perfect storm' scenario) had known about the financial crisis that would not have stopped the oil market manipulation. There are timelines and public sentiment to contend with. Iraq may be the hinge on this hidden energy policy.

Will the public ever know what happened in Chaney's energy policy meetings? Or will they be kept secret to protect the public's ego (I have been manipulated - no way....)
I disagree. The energy policy is a multi-faceted long term plan (decades). Recessions are short term in comparison (1-3 years). Even if the planners (assuming this is more than a 'perfect storm' scenario) had known about the financial crisis that would not have stopped the oil market manipulation. There are timelines and public sentiment to contend with. Iraq may be the hinge on this hidden energy policy.

Will the public ever know what happened in Chaney's energy policy meetings? Or will they be kept secret to protect the public's ego (I have been manipulated - no way....)
The energy policy changes every year. That "Energy Policy Act of 2005" was updated in 2006 and replaced in 2007 by the "Energy Independence and Security Act." That was updated by the 2008 rules.
I saw that. It will be available here next year for $18K. Already on the market overseas.:)

If you google that car some more, you'd find that it was SUPPOSED to be out three years ago, it is still not in production, and that Idia's "TATA" motors was looking at it. And decided to pass, until the technology catches up. And it wasn't 40 mile range- it was one prototype car that had something like a 4 mile range. Still more R&D needed to get there. The press reelase bragged about long range, but the reality didn't prove it out. Yet.

But they have one heck of a PR department that likes to create stories and sucker investors.

If you google that car some more, you'd find that it was SUPPOSED to be out three years ago, it is still not in production, and that Idia's "TATA" motors was looking at it. And decided to pass, until the technology catches up. And it wasn't 40 mile range- it was one prototype car that had something like a 4 mile range. Still more R&D needed to get there.

But they have one heck of a PR department that likes to create stories and sucker investors.
Thanks James!:)
Had congress allowed oil exploration in Alaska, the Gulf and other US regions we would have been oil independant by now..But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, the greenies and all their left wing tree hugging friends lobbied to stop such exploration...So now China and Cuba are going after the Gulf oil now...:rolleyes:

I paraphrased T. Boone Pickens last night on Glenn Beck's show.
Agree to disagree... I espouse to the theory that there are a handful of the rich and powerful who never run for office yet they have more control than the government does.... if it's important to them they take action.... they don't lkike being told no and are willing to take the time needed to get to where they want to go... Sometimes all of our interests are served and sometimes not....

Have a great and safe weekend

I paraphrased T. Boone Pickens last night on Glenn Beck's show.
He's an oilman. He has an agenda. Get the price up, stir fear and anger, get more access, cap it, make beaucoup $.;)

My, he certainly is making the rounds lately, isn't he! Watch more of these drill! drill! drill! price pimps come out of the woodwork as the election nears.

an excerpt from Glenn's interview with Boone..

So I said, okay, you're into wind. Wind doesn't work. He said, no, wind doesn't work in Germany, it doesn't work in Spain, but it can work in certain places on Earth. He said one of those places is in Texas and up through the middle of the country. He said there's all kinds of studies that show that. And I said, well, you're getting in -- you just bought 667 wind turbines from GE. This guy's a multibillionaire. I said, you're going to build these wind turbines. I said people will say you're just trying to get rich, you are just trying to get everybody on wind. He said, well, first of all, I'm not trying to get everybody on wind. He said that's just one piece of the puzzle. He said, the second argument is I'm just going to get rich? So funny. He looked at me, this 80-year-old man. He said, I'm a billionaire. I'm rich enough.
T. Boone Pickens- Yep- he is one of the great ones.

By the way- gasoline in my state jumped today to a state average of $4.10, and it's $4.19 at most stations around my town.

Here is the chart from gasbuddy.com, which, by the way, is usually about two days behind real time. this shows it just past $4 bucks. But if you see gas in realtion to oil barrel price, you'll see we should be at about $4.41 right now with $132 a barrel oil price.

It's only a matter of time before pump price catches up to that.​

I still say we're going to see $5 a gallon long before we see $3 again.

The good thing is we're starting to see demand drop off a little as people start thinking about how they are using their cars. That's not a bad thing. Too bad GM didn't start making 2.0 liter 4 cylinder E-85 Malibus and Impalas tow or three years ago- if they did, they'd be selling like hotcakes today.​

Who is this guy, and would you buy a used car from him?

This is part one of eight parts. If you want to see the other seven, go you youtube and search for Lindsey Williams:

Personally, I don't know what to make of him.​