Oil Slick Stuff

Wow!..good stuff..I have heard and read about these same claims and that Washington's holding this back (lots of Greenies involved)..If we can get anybody in the Whithouse to fix this.....If it's a Dem.. or a Rep, I don't care...they'll have my undying support.
Yes there's oil on the north slope. Yes there's gas on the north slope. Those are proven fields and are in production. He mentions Prudhoe Bay. He's not talking about fields that are "held back" or ANWR. He's just trying to stir things up. There is NOT enough oil and gas there to supply the USA for 200 years at the current rate of consumption, and demand will only increase if more oil is available. The longer we rely on fossil fuels, the higher the demand goes and the longer we will be dependent on imports. There is NOT enough discovered and undiscovered (estimated) oil in US-owned leases to supply the US - we EXPORT as well as IMPORT. There's more oil and gas CAPPED right now that if it was put on production the supply would meet US demand for the next 20 years without drilling any NEW leases IF we stopped exporting and IF we started conserving. Lots of misinformation and half-truths. Believe what you want.
Yes there's oil on the north slope. Yes there's gas on the north slope. Those are proven fields and are in production. He mentions Prudhoe Bay. He's not talking about fields that are "held back" or ANWR. He's just trying to stir things up. There is NOT enough oil and gas there to supply the USA for 200 years at the current rate of consumption, and demand will only increase if more oil is available. The longer we rely on fossil fuels, the higher the demand goes and the longer we will be dependent on imports. There is NOT enough discovered and undiscovered (estimated) oil in US-owned leases to supply the US - we EXPORT as well as IMPORT. There's more oil and gas CAPPED right now that if it was put on production the supply would meet US demand for the next 20 years without drilling any NEW leases IF we stopped exporting and IF we started conserving. Lots of misinformation and half-truths. Believe what you want.
I think I'm inclined to believe somebody that was actually there and has seen what is going on..
I think I'm inclined to believe somebody that was actually there and has seen what is going on..
No thanks, I've read it. I've also read Peak Oil, which is also a lot of half-truths. I have worked there, family has worked there - in the fields when they were first discovered, drilled and capped. Now Im on the other end of things, I work with the real numbers every day. Like I said, lots of half-truths - everybody has a price. It's easy to keep interviewing people until you find someone who says what you want to hear. Believe what you want. Real numbers don't lie. And if you read what I said, I told you that yes there is plenty of oil there, drilled and CAPPED. Make them produce it.

Why is there such a mental block to developing alternative fuels and technologies? Can't you guys get over this "we must drill it because it's there" mentality? As bad as big oil....

And I'm disinclined to believe someone who mixes politics and religion and believes God gave man dominion over the earth to destroy it. I do however agree with him that whoever controls oil controls the economy. And it's also true that big oil bought the government, and still owns it.
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Developing alternative fuels and technologies? We still are debating this issue, and debating is fine. However, we must find a solution quickly. Since the OPEC embargo in the early 1970s we should have paid more attention to the slippery slope encompassed by oil dependency. Now, if money and profits is the main obstacle to developing more efficient, cleaner, and less controversial alternatives there are solutions. Consider a full-blown effort led by the Federal government similar to the Space program in partnership with private investors, and/or existing corporations already involved in searching and developing fuels. The project is so big that the involvement of the Federal government is the only way that profiteers do not delay this thing any further. I don't care if the existing U.S. oil companies make up part of this partnership as long as nobody is allowed to derail the national effort. The sooner we get over the debate, the better. But let's stop running away from facing the truth about depleting all the natural resources!

Go play with your kitties and cars. It's a holiday weekend. Tomorrow, remember the warriors.:)

hey..I got nothing better to do, than to debunk alarmist conspiracies with you, while they are laying my carpet:toung:

And Yes, GOD bless all of our past, present and future VETS, and THANKS!:)

PS..the Boys are hiding from the Hammer-drill noise at the other side of the house, under a bed somewhere...and the Cars were cleaned and shined yesterday..:cool:
Pig Oil

Don't mess with BIG OIL!!:worried:

Hydrogen homemade car that runs on tap water
Stan Meyer created a car that ran on water. He was poisoned in March 1998 and is no longer with us. He died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. Sharks came a week later and stole the the dune buggy and all of his experimental equipment, according to his brother, Steve. Stan said while he was alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp.s The Military was going to use this technology in their tanks, jeeps, etc. He had patents on his invention and was ready for production.


BIG OIL & GAS now rule the US.
They rob us because they CAN; and there is nothing our congress and senate can (or will) do to stop it.
The recent increase in fuel costs should be no mystery to anyone. No, it's not world events or holiday travel (which have always been good reasons to gouge us). Big gas is going after the Economic Stimulus Package. Once that enormous amount of "FREE" money begins to desolve, the pump prices may begin to ratchet back. Supply and demand no longer has a damn thing to do with prices at this level of greed & gluttony. Like a dog eats its own vomit, so too... will these two beasts.

Give them some water. Lots of it. Water puts out fires.
Hydrogen technology is the answer.
As gas goes up, driving goes down

  • March figures show steepest decline in driving since 1942
    Compared with last year, drivers have logged 11 billion fewer miles, the DOT says
    Americans planned to drive less over Memorial Day weekend, AAA reports
    Public transportation ridership on rise, in part because of gas prices, group says [more]
  • http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/05/26/gas.driving/index.html