OBGibby's Account Talk

According to my tsp.gov online account, my 'Personal Rate of Return' for the twelve months ending March 31, 2013, was up 7.44%.

Personal Rate of Return
2009 +29.86%
2010 +13.31%
2011 -0.74%
2012 +11.42%

January 31, 2013 +8.20%
February 28, 2013 +4.99%
March 31, 2013 +7.44%

AUTOTRACKER FOR 2012: 11.97%

Leaning toward dropping down to 30-40% CSI and 60-70% G at the end of the week to ride out the warmer months. I'm just shy of 6% right now on the AutoTracker - would consider 11% or more at the end of the year as a success, so I'm inching along. My hat is off to the folks that are already sitting at 10-17% for the year, just four months in! You gotta be in it to win it, I suppose. I'm just not sure how much longer the music is going to keep playing right now so I'm planning on pulling some more cash out. If there's a correction I'll go back in. I think the week is going to be pretty much like today - to the positive. I'll exit on Thursday or Friday.
According to my tsp.gov online account, my 'Personal Rate of Return' for the twelve months ending April 30, 2013, was up 9.42%.

Personal Rate of Return
2009 +29.86%
2010 +13.31%
2011 -0.74%
2012 +11.42%

January 31, 2013 +8.20%
February 28, 2013 +4.99%
March 31, 2013 +7.44%
April 30, 2013 +9.42%

AUTOTRACKER FOR 2012: 11.97%
Took 10% off the table today. Wasn't able to update the AutoTracker on time, though. For the record, moved to 60% G, 25% C and 15% I, at close of business today.
Goals for 2013: Positive return and will be happy to get 10-12% again. Want to break through the $250K level with the balance. If I can do both I'm be happy and anything more will be a bonus.

Currently 40% in equities, with 20% in bonds and 40% in G. Still looking to incrementally get back to a larger exposure in equities. Will likely add 5-10% in January to C/S/I.

Half the goal met - broke through the $250K mark this past week. Sitting a little over 7% on the tracker so far this year, so still happy with that. Missed out on 2-3 times that gain by not being 100% in the market everyday but I'm happy nonetheless. When I hear car sale ads claiming "If you're employed - OR NOT! - we'll get you approved!" it smells like a bubble and makes me nervous about this market. QE is also of concern to me. Still shooting for a 10-12% gain for the year to be satisfied.
According to my tsp.gov online account, my 'Personal Rate of Return' for the twelve months ending May 31, 2013, was up 14.17%.

Personal Rate of Return
2009 +29.86%
2010 +13.31%
2011 -0.74%
2012 +11.42%

January 31, 2013 +8.20%
February 28, 2013 +4.99%
March 31, 2013 +7.44%
April 30, 2013 +9.42%
May 31, 2013 +14.17%

AUTOTRACKER FOR 2012: 11.97%
A friend of mine said one time mid career, "Give me half my annuity and a couple of days head start and I'll be gone in a heart beat". I'm not saying our jobs were lousy (huh?) but I wouldn't have cared if my retirement was fragile, least I've got one. Listen folks. Retirement is great. Especially like Monday, when working people are starting their cars up at 5 in the morn and I'm snug as a bug. It's living! Anyway, its why we chose a career with a plan and, it's why we're here on this board. Let's keep investing and make as much or more than we take.
As a retiree I can make more money in a week than it would take me in a full year while working - I'm actually still working as an investor but for myself. I have such good potential on my side because I'm all in with the risk component. Chasing Ferdinand and having a good time doing it - the dollars are flowing into the market.
According to my tsp.gov online account, my 'Personal Rate of Return' for the twelve months ending June 30, 2013, was up 8.59%.

Personal Rate of Return
2009 +29.86%
2010 +13.31%
2011 -0.74%
2012 +11.42%

January 31, 2013 +8.20%
February 28, 2013 +4.99%
March 31, 2013 +7.44%
April 30, 2013 +9.42%
May 31, 2013 +14.17%
June 30, 2013 +8.59%

AUTOTRACKER FOR 2012: 11.97%
According to my tsp.gov online account, my 'Personal Rate of Return' for the twelve months ending July 31, 2013, was up 11.89%.

Personal Rate of Return
2009 +29.86%
2010 +13.31%
2011 -0.74%
2012 +11.42%

January 31, 2013 +8.20%
February 28, 2013 +4.99%
March 31, 2013 +7.44%
April 30, 2013 +9.42%
May 31, 2013 +14.17%
June 30, 2013 +8.59%
July 31, 2012 +11.89%

AUTOTRACKER FOR 2012: 11.97%