OBGibby's Account Talk

"The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been
unwilling to pay that price. ... It is time for us to realize that we are too
great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams. We're not, as some would have
us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that
will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on
us if we do nothing." --Ronald Reagan

The Slow Decline of the Middle Class Explained in One Easy Graphic - DailyFinance
If you mean the middle class by way of saying that they are 1. Not in stocks 2. Have 0% interest in their savings account, then yes, they are poor.

Shiller: Housing Is Not An Investment - Sam Ro, Money Game

............"Then why buy a home?" she asked. "People trap their savings in a home. They're running an opportunity cost of not having that money liquid to earn a better return in the market. Why do it?"

"Absolutely!" Shiller exclaimed. "Housing traditionally is not viewed as a great investment. It takes maintenance, it depreciates, it goes out of style. All of those are problems. And there's technical progress in housing. So, new ones are better

Dr. Benjamin Carson delivered a noteworthy National Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in President Barack Obama’s presence
Carson attacked political correctness as a “dangerous” threat to free speech and encouraged Americans to boldly share their views
The pediatric neurosurgeon also provided his theories about the national debt, deficits, taxation and health care, taking stances that were opposed to the president’s
Obama watched intently as Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes
See the Prayer Breakfast Speech That’s Grabbing Headlines: Doctor Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt in Front of Obama | Video | TheBlaze.com

7 Fascinating Facts about Dr. Ben Carson

7 Fascinating Facts About Dr. Carson — the Prayer Breakfast Speaker Whose Speech in Front of Obama Went Viral | TheBlaze.com

Dr. Benjamin Carson delivered a noteworthy National Prayer Breakfast keynote speech in President Barack Obama’s presence
Carson attacked political correctness as a “dangerous” threat to free speech and encouraged Americans to boldly share their views
The pediatric neurosurgeon also provided his theories about the national debt, deficits, taxation and health care, taking stances that were opposed to the president’s
Obama watched intently as Carson spoke for more than 25 minutes
See the Prayer Breakfast Speech That’s Grabbing Headlines: Doctor Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt in Front of Obama | Video | TheBlaze.com

7 Fascinating Facts about Dr. Ben Carson

7 Fascinating Facts About Dr. Carson — the Prayer Breakfast Speaker Whose Speech in Front of Obama Went Viral | TheBlaze.com

Somebody should nominate this guy for president...
I don't time the market - but I am planning to get myself several million dollars more in debt during 2013 and deep into 2014. Gotta be careful of the approaching Kress cyclical though. Everyone seems to be deleveraging and I'm going the opposite direction. The more you have in the more you win.