NSurf9 Account Talk

Off today and couldn't get to a computer fast enough to move out of "I."

Can you hear the sound of oil prices puffing the OPEC wallet back up. But, low dollar and employee expense trimming is allowing corp America to stay out of recession - its even showing signs of greening. At odds, however, citizen America sentiment is showing signs of something of or below recesssion. Vapor lock in R.Estate mortgages continues to still block house sales and depresse RE prices and new starts. US Gov hasn't thrown up its hands -- but, the band-aids on RE are showing more stretch marks. Separately, Japan is showing strength in Nikkei today, 5/16. Got to have whoa-nads for the Monday "I" ride.

GLInterfunding. Nsurf9
Below is from Stocktiming.com.

"Many investors, especially Institutions, are paying close attention to the U.S. Dollar.
Why? Because it affects the revenues of our large international companies like United Technologies, John Deere, Coca Cola, etc.
This morning it is especially important, because the United nations just released their 6 month report. Their conclusion was that the "world economy is "teetering on the brink" of a severe downturn and is expected to grow only 1.8 percent in 2008".
If the report is correct, then the slow 1.8% growth would have a negative impact on our international stocks. And ... if the Dollar weakened and started trending down again, then that would help to offset the slowing world economy impact.
However, if the Dollar appreciated in value, then that would be a double negative for our international companies and negatively affect their stock prices.
Weeks ago, we forecasted that the Dollar was finishing its bottom and that it would move up. It has been moving up since March and it broke below its rising channel (to the downside) this week.
So, what is happening now? The Dollar is moving through a triangular pattern and it will break out of the consolidation very soon because it is almost to the end of its apex. If it breaks to the upside, then Wall Street may react negatively due to the impact on the sales for our international companies. If it breaks to the downside, then that will help offset, but not cure, the negative sales impact.
This breakout from this Dollar move will have more than the normal impact compared to previous Dollar movement changes."​
The "I" fund has moved up ~84 cents to its current share price ($24.66). A mirror image from last December takes it back down to ~77 cents ($23.93) and then back up to $25.67. C and S have similary gained. The question is will the markets just blow-thru the 12/21/07 drop and go up to ~$25.67 Risk vs reward - got to cash out on recent good returns and wait until June. My thought is that the market won't blow-thur the 12/07 drop - too much potential for increased inflation, more subprime / prime / commerical difficulties and equity market flux.
The "I" fund has moved up ~84 cents to its current share price ($24.66). A mirror image from last December takes it back down to ~77 cents ($23.93) and then back up to $25.67. C and S have similary gained. The question is will the markets just blow-thru the 12/21/07 drop and go up to ~$25.67 Risk vs reward - got to cash out on recent good returns and wait until June. My thought is that the market won't blow-thur the 12/07 drop - too much potential for increased inflation, more subprime / prime / commerical difficulties and equity market flux.

Thanks for the information.
Speaking from the gut, I hope Birch is right and I appreciate your sentiment.

What I am watching out for, is based on a drop that occurred back in the 12/11 - 12/20/07 time-frame. Currently, we are on the mirror-image, other-side, going up, instead of down, from that time-frame. I don't normally pay a lot of attention the Vs or Ws, but have I begun to, especially when couple to past market turmoil.

Fact is I think Birch is right. But, I smell more than just roses in the mix. As long as some progress is made (not even big, just not backwards) in the current substantial financial problems - I too believe we will be back-on-board for a Bull market trend (snort). If, on the other hand, I had unlimited IFTs I would only be out a few days. But, alas the TSP Board, %$^#, and I don't. So, I will have to be out until 6/1. The question is can I (or will I want to) catch the train on, or after, 6/2. Actually, I will attempt an IFT anyway, if I see an early or shallow drop.
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Well, I tried to make an IFT today, 5/21, just to see - that would have been 3rd in May. No can do. Long, you're an ignorant $lut.

Can we start our own TSP.
if you are already 100% G and have already done 2 IFT's you can't make any more.

If you are not 100% G and have already done 2 IFT's you can still IFT to G fund as many times as you want until you are 100% G.
Well, I tried a IFT today 5/21 to see if I could make a IFT - that would have been 3rd IFT in May.
I'm assuming that your IFT attempt was unsuccessful then. And from prevous posts, you're in 100% G if I remember correctly. So your third IFT would have had to be an attempt to move OUT of G rather than into G?

I'm not surprised you couldn't complete it then. But it's still bad news.:mad:

Well, I tried to make an IFT today, 5/21, just to see - that would have been 3rd in May. No can do. Long, you're an ignorant $lut.

Can we start our own TSP.
Hey, don't insult $luts....they're smart, they know how to make money. Look at the famous madams...;)
My apologies to the madams. But, I'm still considering starting a non-profit TSP alternative without a #$%#ing fiduciary best interest breaching Board - all the IFTs you want, even intra-day IFTs - just pay the costs. Oh yea, add a commodities index, or two.
My apologies to the madams. But, I'm still considering starting a non-profit TSP alternative without a #$%#ing fiduciary best interest breaching Board - all the IFTs you want, even intra-day IFTs - just pay the costs. Oh yea, add a commodities index, or two.
Where do I sign?
Thinking about reducing my TSP allocation and going it on my own. The few stocks I do have are doing well. ( and I have learned my lessons from the past!) Thugh input is always welcome!
Thinking about reducing my TSP allocation and going it on my own. The few stocks I do have are doing well. ( and I have learned my lessons from the past!) Thugh input is always welcome!
Get your matching, free money is good. After that, look for the investment(s) that work for you.
I'm still happy with my tugboat account - best deal for the money around. And they do all the paper work at no charge. You just need a longer term perspective. Hope I get my next contribution into the C fund under $16.00 - these prices won't last much longer.
With today's (I) fund closing in on 1.5%, and balance of the month (especially end of May) yet to be playout, I may have trouble catching the train in June.