JPCavin, Right now, I'm just looking for monitary commitment, perhaps $10, maybe $50. Fact is, I'd be happy to donate a significant amount of money, if I could guarantee just 6 more (that's 3 round trips) IFTs per month.
After I review the facts and law with the Rose attorneys and a Virginia attorney friend of mine, and if it appears we then have a winnable case for some kind of equitable relief that get us more IFTs, I will post what that looks like and how and where to make donations. As a matter of note, generally, attorney fees and court costs are a matter of discretion of the court, so its even possible all the donations could be returned.
I wanted a core of 100, but 50 "I'm in's" will do. Can I getta "I'm in" (sort sounds like amen). If we have a winable case, I would count on everone on this board to enlist every federal employee they know and their friends know in the effort.
If federal employees had any idea what's been taken from them, they be busting the TSP doors down to change it.
Perhaps even write President Obama, the TSP positions are presidential appointments; contact Federal Times for a follow-up to an article/editorial I wrote and was published in 2008 along the same lines; notice any other news sites that we feel might help and find the effort newsworth; and along those lines file the case.
That's pretty much the plan. When we get 50, I'll get an appointment with the Roses and try to move them to review the case.