nnuut's Account Talk

Dude, just hit the roulette table. Put ALL your chips on BLACK. Rock solid 100% guaranteeeeeeed winnna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to add in the rent money too:D
Dude, just hit the roulette table. Put ALL your chips on BLACK. Rock solid 100% guaranteeeeeeed winnna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to add in the rent money too:D
Good IDEA TD!!! You have a 50% chance that way!!:laugh:
I don't pay rent or a house payment, maybe I could borrow about $1200?:rolleyes:
100% I and loving it!!! As long a the fv doesn't hurt too bad this will be a great day!
950+ on the S&P should set up for a new leg up. Hopefully the bond auction shapes up good and transportations get some more strength, then we could be up in the 1030 range next week!
If SPX can break through 950 and stay ther a couple of days it's up we go to the next resistance. SPX has been knocking at the 950 door for 9 days, sooner or later it may open or down we go!!:cool:
Strange afternoon so far. Hopefully the strength lasts through to the end. Reference the previous posts, though, my apologies...I guess I should have had it more like this...


Just a drive by hi to say that as I'm trying to catch up on my MB reading, your posts always pop out as being the ones that put a smile on my face. :) Thanks!

View attachment 6447



What Does Flag Mean?
A technical charting pattern that looks like a flag with a mast on either side. Flags result from price fluctuations within a narrow range and mark a consolidation before the previous move resumes. Likewise, "pennant" formations are usually treated like flag formations because they are very similar in appearance, tend to show up at the same place in an existing trend, and have the same volume and measuring criteria.


Investopedia explains Flag
Flags and pennants are among the most reliable of continuation patterns and only rarely produce a trend reversal. The only difference between the two patterns is that a flag resembles a parallelogram (or rectangle) marked by two parallel trend lines that tend to slope against the prevailing trend. The pennant, however, is identified by two converging trend lines and more horizontal which resembles a small symmetrical triangle. The important thing to remember is that they are both characterized by diminishing trade volume and though different, the measuring implications are the same for both patterns as demonstrated in the above illustration.
this might hurt:rolleyes::eek::blink: where do we go now :confused:, hows that goe sit right sit right??? might need a turnakit and plenty of excedrin
hmmm...if it IS, it's pointing staright out - would that indicate a headwind or a tailwind? :confused:
The best sign is that it is angling slightly down, but it's not so it could go either way, maybe?:blink:
Up in morning TRADERS take WARNING, up an night TRADER"S DELIGHT! MAYBE!!!?
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