nnuut's Account Talk

mucho gracis amigos!! Just havin' a good time!!
Just got out of the pool, been swimin' with my 8 year old Grandaughter and 2 of her friends what a BLAST. There are many ways to be rich in this world and I am one of the richest!!!:D monypot2.gif monky.gif
UP She GOES!! I think there will be some profit taking if not this afternoon then Friday.:sick:
Today will be a SWEET FV for the "I" Fund if the high holds?
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Yeah, I have to go higher, cause even a blind squirrel can find a nnuut sometimes, if I go any lower they will probably revoke my IFT license or something?:laugh:
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these I bought on EBAY are used, not as stickey:laugh: and too big of waist:nuts:
Don't let them slip off, you'll never be able to climb out of that hole without them!! :worried: That might be my old pair I sold on EBAY? Yuck!!!:worried: