nnuut's Account Talk

I've thought the Market was going to have one more big drop before a Bottom could be called for 3 weeks. Missed a nice rally, but that's the way it goes. Now I'm in the same situation again, have been tempted but held strong in the "G", but I'm getting weak and thats an indication that it may be time for some consolidation?:D:suspicious:
amazing how this market continues to rally . I think citi as expected will report better than expected or record profit tomorrow even though everyone else is losing profit. What worries me the most is the govt financial stress test next week and the test result in May. This market completely ignores any hard data. With only 2 ift's, everyone will lose in the end..
so so many birchtree quotes come to mind.

"The predominant emotion remains fear - fear to pull the trigger and that can be costly."

"In my view, and I know I've repeated this several times, the risk of not being in the market now exceeds the magnitude of the risk of being in the market. Be in to win."

up up up!
The problem now is the F fund voodoo doll has so many names on it - all trying to hide. And now comes the pain with no place to run - and it's not done yet. Interest rates are going to start up - yields will increase and the bond price will fall. Well I guess the G fund is still an option.
Still hiding in the "GOOD FUND" waiting for an entry point. Sometimes it's hard to jump back in the water after being burnt a few times.:notrust:
For some reason I never move money into the F fund....I guess I don't trust it. It's usually the C or G for me. Much easier to track! Although if I think the dollar is taking a hit...I'll move to I. It's usually 100% for me....it's all or nothing! Last week I moved from C to G. Now am waiting for the mkt to fall further before re-entry! Good Day!
For some reason I never move money into the F fund....I guess I don't trust it. It's usually the C or G for me. Much easier to track! Although if I think the dollar is taking a hit...I'll move to I. It's usually 100% for me....it's all or nothing! Last week I moved from C to G. Now am waiting for the mkt to fall further before re-entry! Good Day!
Yes I to am waiting to see how deep the market will fall. This recovery is over done in my opinion and should correct before heading further upward. The economy is still in dire straights, corrections don't happen overnight.:cool:

The "F" Fund is:squirrel.gif
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History Says Pullback From Stock Market Rally a Solid Bet

By: Albert Bozzo, Senior Features Editor | 21 Apr 2009 | 09:39 AM ET

There's more where that came from.

That's what some market watchers are saying about the sharp selloff in stocks Tuesday, following a stunning—yet, some say, suspect—run-up of well over 20 percent from the standing bear market low of March 9.

"Whenever you get that kind of move in that short a period when news is still mixed, you're vulnerable to a setback," says money manager Jim Awad, managing director at Zephyr Management. "We've gone from the bear market to the never-never land."
Caution and skepticism has been building in some quarters recently, particularly as the Dow Industrials hugged a 200-point trading range over the 11 sessions going into Monday.
To some, however, the writing was already on the wall late last week, even as the major indices edged to new highs Friday in their spring sprint.
"This thing is due," veteran market watcher and UBS floor operations director Art Cashin told CNBC early Friday. "I'm betting we're going to see that pullback in the rally."
Cashin, among other things, cited the narrow nature of the rally and how many of the stocks attracting interest were "low-priced stocks," often a sign of indiscriminate bottom fishing.

Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at Standard's & Poor, says technical data and historical trends pointed to an April 17 high, followed by the typical retreat and retesting of the bear market low. [more]
Sticking my toe in the water today, 60 "G", 15 "C", 25 "S":worried:
This means the Market will retest its lows tomorrow!:laugh:
Oh well. Maybe the market will give you a chance at locking in a profit this time! Hope so.

Forgive me if I secretly wish the market would retest the lows over the next week and a half!:o
went 100%G from 85%G 15%CSI cob today. I thought if the market closes green today, this market will have to take profit on monday. I'll jump back in stock on May 1. I'm outta ift's.