nnuut's Account Talk

IFT COB today 35% "C", 25% "S", 40% "I"
BECAUSE I WANT TO!!!:laugh::laugh:
Stress Test should be fine, I hope?:worried:
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Appears that today will be a prosperous one, again?
Still holding 35% "C", 25% "S", 40% "I".
This thing is really toppy, sooner or later there has to be a little (or a lot) consolidation. I really don't want to get caught in the next down so I have my finger on the button. :cool:
SHORT!!! SNORT!!!! angry_bull.gif
Today, well I don't know, but am taking some off the table until whoever is manipulating the Market gets it where they want it.
COB today 25% "G", 10% "F", 30% "C", 35% "I":worried:
nnuuts completely NNUUTS!!:suspicious:
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It appears there is just no stopping this rally, it must be time to BAIL OUT?
I surely don't know when the consolidation is going to come but I think it's eminent? Nobody knows with the Market being manipulated to the extent it is. Hopefully we will recognize it and be able to jump to safety before losing any gains.
Still holding, 25% "G", 10% "F", 30% "C", 35% "I":worried:
Here's one for you McDuck!!!:laugh:
CNBC seems to think the RALLY has LEGS?

Market Insider: Wall Street's Bull Is Tired but Not Out
Posted By:Patti Domm

The stock market's two-month-old bull run is getting tired, but it still may not be ready to pause.
In the coming week, investors will have plenty of data to mull over, but none as pivotal as Friday's better-than-expected April jobs report. Retail sales data Wednesday should provide a good look at how the economy is faring, as will weekly jobless claims and inventory data. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks at a conference Monday night, and there are just a few earnings, including Wal-Mart [WMT 50.14 0.25 (+0.5%) ] and several other major retailers.

From 'Fast Money':
"Nobody believes in the rally, which makes me think it could last longer," said Jason Trennert, managing partner and chief investment strategist at Strategas.
"I'm skeptical too, but I wouldn't be short," said Trennert, who spent the past week speaking with hedge fund managers. "The one thing I can say is if this goes on much longer, you're going to force more people into the market, especially the hedge fund community."

Traders are closely watching the behavior of the financial sector, which has been a market leader, doubling since stocks started moving higher in early March. In the past week, the group made double digit gains as the government released results of its stress tests for 19 major institutions. Traders say the reports, which contained few surprises, drew buyers into the group but also forced shorts to cover, driving prices higher. The government's announcement, and subsequent comments from banks on their capital raising plans, also lifted a cloud from the group and made their stocks more "investable." [more] http://www.cnbc.com/id/30648298

I think you might be doing what I did. I talked myself out of C/S/I holdings. I was absolutely convinced with my arguments - yuk, yuk.

I am interested to see if the market dumps are as dramatic as the market jumps. For the past 18 months the dumps have been more catastrophic than individual jumps. It makes it extremely hard to bail out when our trades occur at the end of the day. Additionally, if one can’t handle a single day dump than one shouldn’t be in the C/S/I. That leaves two or three days of doom before one gets back to the lilly pad. In October/November and early March that could be 10% - 18% in losses.

The questions. Are we done with the panic? Will normal market corrections be normal?

I think I’ll let the market decide.
When 10,000 hedgies move you don't want to be in front of them - let them pull you along. We have gaps to close on the way up. We could easily run the SPX from 900 right back up to 1300 as quickly as it came down - that would be about four weeks of buying activity.
The all knowing has SPOKEN!! I actually agree with most of that Daddy Bigbucks!!!:D What was the question?:confused:carnac.gif

I think you might be doing what I did. I talked myself out of C/S/I holdings. I was absolutely convinced with my arguments - yuk, yuk.

I am interested to see if the market dumps are as dramatic as the market jumps. For the past 18 months the dumps have been more catastrophic than individual jumps. It makes it extremely hard to bail out when our trades occur at the end of the day. Additionally, if one can’t handle a single day dump than one shouldn’t be in the C/S/I. That leaves two or three days of doom before one gets back to the lilly pad. In October/November and early March that could be 10% - 18% in losses.

The questions. Are we done with the panic? Will normal market corrections be normal?

I think I’ll let the market decide.
Exactly Boghie, and I'm trying to cool it as much as possible. I've a hair trigger after riding down the Wall Of Worry, while everyone thought tomorrow was the bottom, now they are looking for the Top!! Staying where I am for now, but you see I'm not a very good loser!!View attachment 6293
I value Birch's opinion.
I love the smell of Ferdinad in the morning.
It smells like victory.

I will not be only 35% in the market for very long. I just don't like time periods where the Congress/Administration Moronathon is taking place. So, to me the risk of a market dump resulting from a voice of ignorance was too great to still be in there at a 70%+ stake. I'll get back in within two weeks if there is still growth to be had. I also intend to sit out till I see what California will do to the national economy and the stock market. D-Day for that message is May 19th – and, there are no good solutions to my Liberal Mecca. Solution 1: We vote massive tax increases and our economic base flows to other states or other countries :mad:. Solution 2: We don’t vote massive increases and our state government has to deal with a $50 Billion+ deficit in a period where nobody wants to buy our silly debt :mad:. Can anyone say ‘the state of California declares bankruptcy’? Anyone out of the region should factor a complete failure of California bonds into their equation. We have absolutely NO leadership and have dithered so long we have NO good options.

Anyway, I really don't see any reason for the market to indicate a frothy economy if the economy is not frothy. A 1300 S&P level implies a late 2006 market - when everything was humming along with irrational exuberance. We ain’t there. And, we ain’t six or sixteen months from there. My best guess is that Birch is riding a viable wave, but that wave will taper off. Hopefully, it won’t hit a sandbar and collapse – but, rather grow at a sustainable pace. I think Birch would like that. I would like that. Such a pattern would result in a 12% year for me…
Well, I'm stuck in the mire of 2 IFTs a month, all I can do is out to the "GOOD" fund. Made some gains and I don't want to give them back, the bottom of the tracker is well within my reach and I refuse to be any closer. :cool:
Birch is in a different situation than most of us due to his extensive investments. Poasses like me just don't have that kind of leverage. Mr. Birchtree has many years of experiance and it's well worth your time to take his advise into consideration.
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My question is: how fast can 10,000 hedge funds spend $11 trillion? I think they can easily do it in 25 to 30 trading days - where will that take the SPX. I say potentially right back up to 1300 closing all the gaps on the way up. Problem is no one sees this happening - but you have to be prepared for anything in this market. That's a lot of rocket fuel and since everyone is now going green - let's turn bull manure into something besides money.
I'd rather Blast Off than shuffle down again!!! Light her up, I'm ready!! Blast_off.gif
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It is definetly an impressive sight!!.....but don't plan your vacation around one....you may go away disappointed.......nothing worse than trying to go home with a couple hundred thousand people who were just told a launch is scrubbed.......