nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Glad it worked out for everyone!!:D
I'm staying in the GOOD FUND ("G"), tomorrow and day after will be a test of my system to provide great returns to our members!;)
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Boy have I been out of sinc with the market lately, whipsawed 3 times and it's my fault for not holding my mouth right!!:mad: Going 100% "F" COB today and try and pick an entry point that won't stick it to me again.:sick:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, Saturday, gonna be clear and 95 degrees. Have a couple of slabs of BabyBack Ribs to smoke and some good Blues Rock piped out to the patio. If anyone needs me I'll be in the pool with a cold bourbon and coke in hand!! Lovely, just lovely!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Just passing through the Florida room, YES! good so far, Ribs smell GREAT!!:D It don't get no better than this!!:laugh:hic!
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Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, Saturday, gonna be clear and 95 degrees. Have a couple of slabs of BabyBack Ribs to smoke and some good Blues Rock piped out to the patio. If anyone needs me I'll be in the pool with a cold bourbon and coke in hand!! Lovely, just lovely!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

You just made me hungry.

I was just planning on reducing my meal count and investing the difference into the F Fund - its gained more than 1/3 of one percent this year to date!!!

Let's see:
5 lunches at $5 for $25
$25 * 52 = $1,300

$1,300 invested RIGHT NOW in the F Fund would result in a capital gain of just over five bucks in 12 months!!! Yea, yippeeeee... [smarmy voice tells you that past performance does not guarantee future earnings]

Ah heck, me thinks I am going to track down some BBQ instead!!!
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Still floating on the Lily Pad. Everything seems to be at the top of their channels. Oil is higher but dropped some this morning. Still looking for an entry point.
JUST GUNSHY!!:embarrest:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Opps, The Blue Squiggly Lines have ounce again overtaken the Red Dotted Lines and are proceeding in the upward direction with great vigor!! Now were talkin'!:D
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