nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

nice ride looks alot like mine just wish it was mine all the goodies somewhat faster then me :Dby glance could fool alot of them thinking it was mine:cool: thnks again letting me get dizzy last week :nuts::laugh:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Looks like a Camel Hump Day to me, damnit!:nuts:
Big drop in the markets, Oil and Gas are spiking! Oil back up to $69 from $67 earlier! THATS Why!:nuts:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Woha!! Diving into the dirt!! Who did I make MAD? Every time I get back into the market this happens!!:suspicious:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

i am with you Nnuut i feel like i got the crap kicked out of me again :D i guess i will wold the botem of the chart up while i am down here :o good luck today
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, I'm still in, hanging in there while the bottom falls out. It's a vicious cycle, Market drops big time, you are afraid to jump out because you will miss the bounce, there is no bounce, you stay in because you might miss the bounce and get whipsawed, the market continues to drop, you panic:eek: jump out to safety, the market rebounds, you miss the bounce, jump back in, down she goes down again!! You're screwed!! That's why I TRY to get out early and stay there until I see a definite swing to the upside, misjudged it this time and here I sit STUCK, so the best thing is to ride it out (THEY SAY). Rid-em COWBOY!
Oh, No, No, No I Don't, Hang In There Too Long No More, I'm tired Waking Up BROKE!!:cool:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Well, I'm still in, hanging in there while the bottom falls out....... and here I sit STUCK, so the best thing is to ride it out (THEY SAY). Rid-em COWBOY!
Nnuut... Have you been looking at my account??? That's exactly what's been happening to me. Can't win for loosin'!!! :( I'd be money ahead if I'd stayed 100% G all year. Oh well, maybe the second half of the year will be better than the first... Let's hope so anyway. G L to all!!!
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

It's happened to me many times, and this is the kind of action I've been trying to avoid. Sometimes I'm successful others I'm not this is a NOT!! One more big day down and they will be leaving like flys and I might be sucker enough to go with them, but I think there will be a rebound, but when, how much pain can YOU stand?:sick:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Now it's the the third Hindenberg Omen! I don't think I'll pay much attention to that fantasy!:laugh: But Ya never know?:notrust: I think it's Bear Sterns!! Gotta be!!:cool:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Dumb Money seems to like the Markets on the get go today. I really don't like it when we start on a up tick, but sometimes it works out OK?:confused:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

New Home Sales DOWN 1.6............ Guess I've gotta stay where I am, Ya know old Burntankle might say something nice about the chances of a drop in rates and then it would be OFF TO THE RACES. I don't expect a drop in rates this time but a hint is possible, but not a guarantee by a long shot!!:suspicious: Let's see how the morning ends up, hope it doesn't mirror yesterdays Camel Hump thing!:mad:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

i sure could use a double today no pain no gain:Di feel the pain now wheredo i go for the gain:blink:GL out there should i stay or should i go now HMmmmmmmm:rolleyes:

Hey Car Crazy.... Don't know about you, but I feel the pain too:mad:... Now I'd like to see the gain, but it looks like another roller coster ride today. Just hope the coster stops on one of the hills and not in another valley!!!