nnuut's Account Talk

Hey Nnuut,
I pulled the plug today - 100G.
Technicals seemed OK, but mostly seemed geopolitcals, Butto, PKK, Oil conflicts & price - all like house of cards coming apart.:suspicious:
I may be back in tomorrow/Mon. for a short stint, but out for now, I'm out - Just wanted you to know my move.:rolleyes:
You're probably right on this one? What the hell, everytime someone get's murdered over seas the market isn't suppose to tank? Just driving the price down so they can make a BIG buy before the jump!:nuts:
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OK, it is now 15:30 EST and the markets are taking a beating. What happened to that spike at the end of the day that happened around 3 times a week? Is the PPT on vacation or something?:cool:
A BRIGHT SPOT for Retail Sales?:o

US festive online spending up 19%

US sales from internet retailers rose 19% between 1 November and 27 December compared with the same period of 2006, a report estimated.
The online information group comScore said that online spending excluding travel and auctions came in at almost $28bn (£14bn).
It said that the growth is impressive given the current economic problems.
But the 19% growth was well below last year's rate of 26%, which the firm blamed on warm weather in November.
"Warm weather during the early part of November took its toll on online retail sales, and played a role in holding down the growth in spending over the entire holiday season," said comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni. "However, if we look at the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we see online spending growing at a healthier 21% rate, which I think is encouraging given the economic challenges facing consumers this year as a result of higher gas prices, lower home values and a jittery stock market." Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November, which this year was 22 November.
MARKET STINKS, must be time to get in? I'll try anything, nothing seems to work these days!! Existing Home Sales UP? HA!
25% "C", 25% "S", 50% "I" COB Today.View attachment 2940
Hey Nnuut,
You're right! It sure smells! So I made my move, back all-in. Seen my new AcctTalk yet? -Now I'm being auto-tracked, uh-oh, I'd better watch out-Big Brother is watching!:cheesy: I think its got some rough edges to work on yet, but maybe the following would help smooth it out...
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Hey Nnuut,
You're right! It sure smells! So I made my move, back all-in. Seen my new AcctTalk yet? -Now I'm being auto-tracked, uh-oh, I'd better watch out-Big Brother is watching!:cheesy: I think its got some rough edges to work on yet, but maybe the following would help smooth it out...
Best of LUCK in 2008. No haven't seen your Acct Talk yet, but will check it out. The tracker is great but can be improved on, everything can. We are more than happy to check out any suggestions that could make it better. I would like it tho chart my returns, that would be neat. Have a good one!:cool:
I figured I'd start Jan 1 with the Auto Tracker.
Did you check out/enjoy that video? - Jet flying low-level!
I'm in DC at the WNY. Are you at King's Bay?
Good-luck to you as well!
happy new year NORM i think i will fire up the ole heap and smoke em down the street open headers and then i might start pulling the trans mision depends when the beer kicks in have fun and drink one for me:D
I figured I'd start Jan 1 with the Auto Tracker.
Did you check out/enjoy that video? - Jet flying low-level!
I'm in DC at the WNY. Are you at King's Bay?
Good-luck to you as well!
I'll check it out!!! No, but used to work for the Navy at Charleston Naval Shipyard before BRAC so brilliantly closed the thing down.
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