nnuut's Account Talk

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20% "G", 10% "F", 20% "C", 20% "S", 30% "I" COB Today.:oo

I'M IN, HIT ME!!!!
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It will probably fall this afternoon, like yesterday :@but made some changes. I'm still in 10% "G", 20% "C", 25% "S", 45% "I" .

COMON" GREENSPUD !!!!!!!!! :*
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100% "G" COB Today. :XHoped for a bounce today. We may be on the edge ofa CLIFF!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Splat. I'm out!:s
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Since the C fund peaked at $13.40 0n August 2, I've given back $10,000. I don't regard this as a loss because I haven't sold or switched my fund - I'm actually adding to it with my dollar cost averaging contributions - at least it is a small blessing. I'm a long term player so I have father time on my side and when I hold a temporary loss I don't take it personal knowing that eventually the sun will shine again. Yes, time can be the healer of many wounds - just thought I'd pass that on. Take care and don't stay out too long.

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Dennis you sure don''t mind taking your lumps! Your head must be covered with bumps by now. That's ok stick to your guns, it's worked for you up to now. You might think how much better it could be if you were out during these big drops? When you figure that one out "LET ME KNOW, PLEASE". You're doing lot's better than I am so "I CAN'T KNOCK IT". Carry on!!!:^:^:^

Maybe i'm considered a contrarian now? Man!
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Best of luck to those on the Gulf Coast! :(The market is up? :*WHAT!! :*Still 100% "G" for me!
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30% "G" 60% "F" 10% "S" COB Today. :?Got a little more of the old "F" Fund, hope she continues the rise for awhile.

I've spent lots of time in the casinos in Biloxi Miss. Guess It will be many months or more before Casinos are open again. Think the Beau Rivage could reopen, but the rest are trashed. Bad stuff, people out of jobs and not much hope of it getting any better soon. I think i'll stay away from the beach! Been through too many big storms, may be pushin' my luck! :*
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A car company can move its factories to Mexico and claim it's a free market. A toy company can out source to a Chinese subcontractor and claim it's a free market.
A major bank can incorporate in Bermuda to avoid taxes and claim it's a free market.
We can buy HP Printers made in Mexico.
We can buy shirts made in Bangladesh.
We can purchase almost anything we want from 20 different countries,
BUT, heaven help the elderly who dare to buy their prescription drugs from a Canadian pharmacy. That's called un-American! And you think the pharmaceutical companies don't have a powerful lobby? Think again!

100%"G" Thank you!
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NNuut - Thanx for putting this into perspective!! I find it very difficult to believe we have come to that point where we are being told what we can/cannot buy somewhere else!

I will bet that eventually there will be more money/time/energy spent trying to control`illegal prescriptions' than for illegal aliens !!!
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nnuut wrote:
Right On Grandma!!! :^
I copied & sent this to my e-mailing buddies, so don't be surprised if eventually you see "a quote from nnuut"making the rounds !! :l

I expect it will get read at the Senior's Lunch this week !!!
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Almost jumped on the "I" Fund bandwagon, BUUUUT dollar is up, Germany is throwing a wrench in the spokes. Gonna wait and SEEEEEEE! :*Still 100% "G" Fund.
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50% "G", 35% "S", 15% "C" COB today, Just in case!!!! No fancy analysis from me!! :xWe will see some action Monday and more Tuesday. Up or Down I don't know, but think it could rise either way, it's up to GREENSPUD! :shock:
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Guess i'm gonna ride the slope, which ever way it goes. Done this before, but didn't have patience and was WHIPSAWED!

Porbably "G" Tuesday for GREENSPUD!:*