nnuut's Account Talk

How's the water situation there in Boiled Peanut anyhoo. I here Georgia is perty dry.
We don't have the problem down here like they have up in Northern Georgia. Now that we don't have to water the lawn or keep the pool full there's no problem. We can only water every other day. There going to call this place the Great Georgia Eastern Desert!!
We don't have the problem down here like they have up in Northern Georgia. Now that we don't have to water the lawn or keep the pool full there's no problem. We can only water every other day. There going to call this place the Great Georgia Eastern Desert!!

As long as you have water for ice I think you'll do alright.
We don't have the problem down here like they have up in Northern Georgia. Now that we don't have to water the lawn or keep the pool full there's no problem. We can only water every other day. There going to call this place the Great Georgia Eastern Desert!!
We were awfully dry too, here in Music City Land. Twas a looonnggg hot summer. But, my daughter found a way to break the drought. She took my truck and had it all spruced up in a detail shop for my birthday... it's been raining ever since!:D
We were awfully dry too, here in Music City Land. Twas a looonnggg hot summer. But, my daughter found a way to break the drought. She took my truck and had it all spruced up in a detail shop for my birthday... it's been raining ever since!:D
Send some of that rain down here. I'm tired of hearing the well-ta-do folks on lake Lenier bitching about no access to their boat docks. If Fog Sailing and Wind Hunter read this, I'm sorry. Aren't you two on the ocean anyway? :laugh: Sail on!!!:rolleyes:
I wish they would forecast rates for 6 months ahead and get rid of all of this apprehension involved in the rate setting conundrum!:nuts:

New Fed forecasts take center-stage
Wall Street, Fed watchers will try to read into the expanded numbers

By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
Last Update: 9:00 AM ET Nov 18, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- New projections from the Federal Reserve will take center-stage in the holiday-shortened week, economists said.

The forecasts will be included in the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee's October meeting to be released Tuesday at 2:00 PM.
They are part of a step towards greater transparency announced by Fed Chief Ben Bernanke last week. See full story.
The Fed said it would provide more-timely information about the evolving outlook by releasing its economic projections four times each year, rather than twice as done previously.
The forecasts will extend out to three years instead of two. Accompanying the forecasts will be a narrative that describes the risks.
Each FOMC member will present their own forecast for four indicators, real gross domestic product, the unemployment rate, and headline and core inflation as measured by the index of personal consumption expenditures or PCE.
The Fed will make a central tendency forecast by eliminating the three highest and three lowest forecasts.
Economists are looking forward to the information as eagerly as children wait for Christmas. But, like the kids, they are unsure of what will be under the tree.
Wall Street will immediately try to push the envelope on the forecast.
Fed watchers will try to surmise the Fed's forecast for growth over the next two quarters.
Recession on the mind [more]
I knew they were COOKIN' the BOOKS but this article is an EYE OPENER!! CROOKS!!:nuts:
Just like so called Cost of Living raises for Government Workers. They rip us off every year!:nuts: CROOKS! :nuts:
I knew they were COOKIN' the BOOKS but this article is an EYE OPENER!! CROOKS!!:nuts:
Just like so called Cost of Living raises for Government Workers. They rip us off every year!:nuts: CROOKS! :nuts:

LOL...did you notice that the other "C" word was mentioned 5 times in that article???:nuts:
I like the line that says"The cost of living is being replaced by the cost of survival. All of America is being duped. If you think about it the whole world.
I think it was you that had given a website previously where we could view & track the Niikei 300 price - as it changes thru its day??

Late last night James 48843 posted:
Nikkei 300 now showing up
2.83 (+0.95%),
--but someone said this morning its down some - you know a best website to track this?
Still 100% "G". I'm afraid of Tuesday due to the FED minutes coming out. I think there is a possibility that the FED has a little surprise for us this time. Burntankle mentioned that the FED is going to be "More Transparent" with the information they supply to the public. This can be good or this can be bad! Watching closely!:cool:
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I agree with you nnuts. I'm in for 100% G fund for Tuesday. The G penny should hit tomorrow. A little earned is better than alot lost.:p You never can know.
Still 100% "G". I'm afraid of Tuesday due to the FED minutes coming out. I think there is a possibility that the FED has a little surprise for us this time. Burntankle mentioned that the FED is going to be "More Transparent" with the information they supply to the public. This can be good or this can be bad! Watching closely!:cool:
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I don't believe the Fed wants to make the market tank. It's good to be cautious but when the market sinks this low there's deals to be had.