nnuut's Account Talk

Whad'chall mean? I'm seeing green popping all over the place. Whad'ya want, a birchstick to beat that dead horse with some more? :p
I could use a bundle of those Birch sticks to start the fire in my fireplace tonight, don't have any kindling.;)
I could use a bundle of those Birch sticks to start the fire in my fireplace tonight, don't have any kindling.;)

Hey Nnuut, hope you know I was just having fun with you. Those birchsticks can be effective tools, you might want to keep a few - never know when you might need one. :D

You know you and I are on just on different sides of the fence.
I'm all in - you're looking to get in. I took quite a beating DCAing in over the last month - mostly because this crazy market just kept moving wrong way! I'd prefer not to have to admit how much I'll have to make back to get back to even, but think I did pretty good. Managed quite a few good buys on drop-days, AND (hope this doesn't offend anyone), as always - it could have been worse...
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Anyway, late today I was mostly thinking this Market was almost certainly going to do the exact opposite of what everyone expected! I guessed correctly! It was just too logical! :nuts:

Now I really need to start seeing a climb back up upward towards Christmas.
Also, if I'm gonna keep up with you, and 12%, I also need to get a collection of some new .gifs, .jpgs, .bmps, .etcs.
Hey Nnuut, hope you know I was just having fun with you. Those birchsticks can be effective tools, you might want to keep a few - never know when you might need one. :D

You know you and I are on just on different sides of the fence.
I'm all in - you're looking to get in. I took quite a beating DCAing in over the last month - mostly because this crazy market just kept moving wrong way! I'd prefer not to have to admit how much I'll have to make back to get back to even, but think I did pretty good. Managed quite a few good buys on drop-days, AND (hope this doesn't offend anyone), as always - it could have been worse...
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Anyway, late today I was mostly thinking this Market was almost certainly going to do the exact opposite of what everyone expected! I guessed correctly! It was just too logical! :nuts:

Now I really need to start seeing a climb back up upward towards Christmas.
Also, if I'm gonna keep up with you, and 12%, I also need to get a collection of some new .gifs, .jpgs, .bmps, .etcs.
We are all after the same thing, and I enjoy your input. Yes I'm in CP because in my opinion there could be a drop to the August lows, that's scary. Waiting for the turn around cause I'm no BEAR but try my best not to get BURNT AGAIN as I have in the past. Keep up the bander, I think you are a welcomed addition to the Message Board and your opinions are respected.
Hello Budnipper,
My 1st post to you.
Anyway, I wanted to wish you condolences on your, what, about 79 days to go yet? :D LOL, wish I could say that. Hoping I can make it with about 5 more yrs to go for me - uggg.

I wanted to ask - do you mean by "smell a Friday Fever Run," as in, something like Jack, and his magic bean-stalk beans?? :)

Thanks for the "sympathy" wishes hessian, but I'm actually down to 75 days and a wake-up, not counting today.
Let me apologize for the comment about smelling a "Friday Fever Run". I've never posted a prediction on any thread before, and didn't mean to imply one today when I posted that to nnuut. It was just my feeble attempt to rib nnuut about his previous comment, "Going for the BIG Money for Monday" by going 100% G. I could try to use the standard Democrat's maneuver to wiggle around the truth and say that since the market ended up green today, my "prediction" was close to right. I could even expand that notion to say that lately, any move to the upside could be construed as a "rally", since the norm has been moving the charts in the opposite direction, but I'm not going there. Here's the Inconvenient Truth, (as the less than honorable ex-V.P. AlGore would probably not admit to)... I rarely, (if ever) have a significant clue about which way the market will go next, (as my returns will verify). Lately, my few and far-between smart moves were based on something I read from the other members, combined with some occasional good luck. Sorry, if anything I posted caused you difficulties with your decision making processes. I'll be more careful in the future. And, that's the truth.:embarrest:

Last Tuesday, as President Bush got off the helicopter in front of the White House, he was carrying a baby piglet under each arm. The squared away Marine guard snapped to attention, saluted and said, 'Nice pigs, Sir.'
The President replied, 'These are authentic Arkansas Razorback Hogs. I got one for Senator Hillary Clinton and one for Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi."
The squared away Marine replied, "Excellent trade, Sir." :D
So what does this mean going forward??:confused: I appreciate any explanation, since charting is still a mystery for me in many ways!! TIA

Nnuut, allow me to try to answer RPM (just to see if I'm getting a handle on reading chart patterns) - classic head and shoulders - is a good pattern - means usually to expect an uptrend from here (of course it is based on only a short 5 day period, so that's something new for me/not sure whether it would hold as long as for a longer-term pattern. RPM don't take this as an interpretation until Nnuut confirms (or denies).

Budnipper, no problem. I figured you were just ribbibg Nnuut - I was just ribbing you for that comment you made to James a week or so ago. it gave me a good belly laugh! Poor guy's got 11 more years! :sick:
I was just curious re: the Fever Run - I'm same way because I know I'm still a novice, but I really wanna learn.
I had my strategy pretty much last night, learning Point&Figure charts w/. All I can say about those is wow! Pretty much hoping for an up day today (actually anything but a down day) - and watching all-day until close - saying: over and over for the last 1/2 hour - green, green, green, etc.! I'm all in, 70S, 30I, so there's alot to be watchful of - espcially w/ markets being so crazy.
Nice chatting with you!:)

I really enjoy the learning, but also the humor, and the friendlyness and commradary.

:rolleyes: Oh, re: the pig, any chance it pissed all over them while he was holding it?
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This 5 day pattern may be the twinkle of a few gains to come for the next week. Even with the C Fund ending up today, when compared to yesterday we still had a lower low and a lower high. The trend is still down. I will be watching closely on Monday for any clue as to where to play the markets for Wednesday and Friday.
So what does this mean going forward??:confused: I appreciate any explanation, since charting is still a mystery for me in many ways!! TIA

This 5 day pattern may be the twinkle of a few gains to come for the next week. Even with the C Fund ending up today, when compared to yesterday we still had a lower low and a lower high. The trend is still down. I will be watching closely on Monday for any clue as to where to play the markets for Wednesday and Friday.
Well let me see what I can explain about Head and Shoulders:
First what is it?
Head And Shoulders Pattern
A technical analysis term used to describe a chart formation in which a stock's price:

1. Rises to a peak and subsequently declines.
2. Then, the price rises above the former peak and again declines.
3. And finally, rises again, but not to the second peak, and declines once more.

The first and third peaks are shoulders, and the second peak forms the head.


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After the trend passes the 2nd shoulder and starts down after it passes the resistance line of the neck it will either stop it's downward motion at the next resistance level or continue down the same distance as the distance from the Head to the Neck. This is a short term H&S only 5 days and could have indicated that if it dropped below the neck it would have probably continued down 45 points. We will see Monday, but that breakout at the end of the day could have broken it and it may not happen.
Hey I'm not really versed in TA so take it as you may.:D
MORE about Head and Shoulders here:
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Nnuut are you saying that your expecting another 300 point drop in the Dow Monday? Long arm down.
Mayday, it really looks like the head and Shoulders was broken by the spike up late Friday. If that is true the H&S has gone positive and where it goes from here I really don't know. If it's not broken we should go down to 1400. How much?:confused:
Broken I think!