nnuut's Account Talk

hessian, right! that's 2 of them.

Silverbird, YES, YES that would hurt, but it's a necessity.

Birchtree, I hear you but you believe the FED?

More manufacturing exports, Goodbye WAR, Goodbye NAFTA (at least revise) and more. BUY OUR MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you ready for a Pay Cut?:nuts:

So multiple choice answer is "All the above" :cheesy:

But, one caveat:
- On" a Pay Cut - ONLY IF they can prove how it has helped strenghtening (absolutely no trust in "promises or guarantees" from "their kind"-and no fancy statistics/probability analysis, either!):suspicious:
A stronger Dollar has more value, need I say more?:cool:
I surely don't have all of the answers, but I know that something MUST be done, NOW!
Please don't over worry about the dollar. Last month Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said that while the weaker dollar leads to "some inflationary effect" as imports' costs rise, "our experience over the recent decade has been that those effects are relatively small." The Fed's job is to balance growth and inflation, and few economists believe it should act simply to preserve the dollar's value. Moreover, for Fed policy makers, the weak dollar has had a timely benefit: It boosts U.S. exports by making American goods cheaper abroad. That helps ease the pain of the housing slump and credit crunch. Be right and sit tight.

It also makes our stock lower overseas. Firesale time for the good people of the United Arab Emerits.
And what happens when they all try to get through the door to buy at the same time? Hedge funds are taking in new money at records. Through the end of the third quarter, hedge funds have seen $164 billion in new asset flows this year, already a record for a full year. The previous record was 2006, with $126 billion in new asset flows. They won't be buying bonds yielding 4.07%. They will want stock. Something really big is getting ready to happen - they will blow the doors off the Dow in a meltup. I can give you 120 reasons to be bullish - but I'm heading to work.
Wrong woman = weak dollar.Right woman = strong dollar.

Nah she can't run, it's against the law. She has already been President for two terms. Who do you think ran the Government when Bill was chasing all of those skirts around Washington. This same woman was envolved in the change of how the cost of living is calculated, it was changed in the Clinton error. You can thank them for your measly Cost of living raises over the last 13 years, should be 6% or 7% not 2% to 3%. I would vote for Dennis Kucinich [ http://wonkette.com/politics/endorsements/kucinich-locks-crucial-porn-endorsement-324335.php ] before I'd vote for this Crooked Witch!:cool: I could go on and on and on! Have I told you that I love the "G" Fund?
Nah she can't run, it's against the law. She has already been President for two terms. Who do you think ran the Government when Bill was chasing all of those skirts around Washington. This same woman was envolved in the change of how the cost of living is calculated, it was changed in the Clinton error. You can thank them for your measly Cost of living raises over the last 13 years, should be 6% or 7% not 2% to 3%. I would vote for Dennis Kucinich [ http://wonkette.com/politics/endorsements/kucinich-locks-crucial-porn-endorsement-324335.php ] before I'd vote for this Crooked Witch!:cool: I could go on and on and on! Have I told you that I love the "G" Fund?
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Yeah, I think you mentioned it once or twice...

Also something about an intraday head and shoulders formation pointing to further downward movement in stocks, but then you said you weren't no expert in technical analysis...

By the same logic, Nancy Reagan can never be President. :D
"but then you said you weren't no expert in technical analysis..."
I didn't mean to talk politics, I get in trouble every time. Sorry if you like Hillary, really sorry.
And that is true, I have no delusions of grandeur about my analytical abilities.
Just letting everyone know how I see it. Forgot my disclaimer!!!:embarrest:
Newbie don't follow me, I'm just guessing!!
I guess I talk too much?:confused:
Oh, you're right again, Nancy can't run either! :D
S&P trying to break down through the 1440 again. Looks like buyers are afraid of what Burntankle may say in the FED minutes? The only think that worries me is the "new transparency policy" the FED is going to try. May only effect the Quarterly Reports but what exactly are they going to reveal that they kept under their hats before?
Could be good, could be bad.:worried:
:toung: Heh. Let's stop the political currency jokes, or we will need an "In Supplementals We Trust" brass coin with Bush's face on it, not the Sacagawea gold dollar coin. No matter who's the next President, they are going to get stuck with the bill. Federal deficit is bigger than the federal budget even if you turn off the government for a year - so budget cutting is not going to do it. So taxes are going up, whether it's Hillary or Guilliani or Romney or Obama or ?
I agree SB it won't be easy no matter who it is.

S&P just popped through 1435. Oil up over $97 a barrel! If it don't turn around Watch out. Fed talk better assure a rate cut!:worried:
I think he likes us to SUFFER!
S&P bounced off of the 1435 and appears to be headed up, PHEWW that's good!:D
Nah she can't run, it's against the law. She has already been President for two terms. Who do you think ran the Government when Bill was chasing all of those skirts around Washington. This same woman was envolved in the change of how the cost of living is calculated, it was changed in the Clinton error. You can thank them for your measly Cost of living raises over the last 13 years, should be 6% or 7% not 2% to 3%. I would vote for Dennis Kucinich [ http://wonkette.com/politics/endorsements/kucinich-locks-crucial-porn-endorsement-324335.php ] before I'd vote for this Crooked Witch!:cool: I could go on and on and on! Have I told you that I love the "G" Fund?

"but then you said you weren't no expert in technical analysis..."
I didn't mean to talk politics, I get in trouble every time. Sorry if you like Hillary, really sorry.
And that is true, I have no delusions of grandeur about my analytical abilities.
Just letting everyone know how I see it. Forgot my disclaimer!!!:embarrest:
Newbie don't follow me, I'm just guessing!!
I guess I talk too much?
Oh, you're right again, Nancy can't run either! :D

Hey nnuut...don't apologize for telling the TRUTH! The only thing I would change in your first comment is the first letter in the word "WITCH"!:nuts: