nasa1974's Account Talk

If and that is a big IF I can see a 2% profit today and Monday (anything is possible) I will be on the positive side of the tracker for the first time since June 3rd. :rolleyes:

I hope you make it. I have not made any EFT moves this month fearing the worst. I really wanted to make one yesterday but could not get to my computer in time. And this morning I had internet problems.
OK!! I'm this close, || to falling to the second page.

Anyway I'm getting closer to being on the positive side of the tracker. :D With that said I hope tomorrow doesn't tank. :worried:

Have a great night everybody.
My TSP is heading in the wrong direction again. :mad: Would be nice to finish the month on a strong note. :suspicious: MTD I am doing a lot better than June so I really can't complain too much. But still!!!! Good luck today everyone.
Everybody strapped in tight? That first hill was fun. Maybe the train will get stuck at the top of the next hill. :toung:
Some positive chatter going on for todays market. Can we see another Friday/Monday whammie just like last week? How will the market react with today (Friday) being end of month and Monday being the first trading day of a new month? Good luck everyone. May the Force be with us.
Got busy yesterday and didn't have much chance to post. The weekend is really busy so I only have a few minutes. Made a move yesterday from 50% CS to 30,30,40 CSI. Still have my two IFT's for August. I fund seems to be gaining strength. July actually was pretty good. I will post more Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.
Sure would have been nice if May and June where a fraction of what July finished up at. I wouldn't be so far down the tracker. :D

In my real account I finished MTD at +7.66% and YTD I am at a +2.13%. YTD not that great but it is positive. :notrust:

Numbers looking good so far this morning. Let's hope that it can keep this pace all month. :toung:

Good luck everyone, 4 o'clock can't come soon enough. :worried:
Yesterday was a good day to be off the lilly pad. But will it hold or will we see a sell off? Will August be anywhere near as profitable as July? Anybody's crystal ball working yet? :laugh: Have a great day everyone.
Here is what my <1% vs. Buy and Hold looks like for the last week of July.

Week ending 7/30
<1% $99,328.43(GFCSI 19.38%, 4.87%, 27.04%, 26.53% & 22.19%)
80,5,5,5,5% $101,556.93(GFCSI)
30,35,35% $98,622.12(CSI)
G-100% $101,807.42
F-100% $106,397.97
C-100% $98,311.28
S-100% $104,116.34
I-100% $93,394.34

Difference between 7/23 & 7/30
<1% $119.08
80,5,5,5,5% $93.99
30,35,35% $133.52
G-100% $58.67
F-100% $569.99
C-100% $72.97
S-100% $161.48
I-100% $605.52

Week ending 7/23
<1% $99,209.34
80,5,5,5,5% $101,462.94
30,35,35% $98,488.60
G-100% $101,748.74
F-100% $105,827.98
C-100% $98,384.25
S-100% $104,277.82
I-100% $92,788.82
Again this is from my spreadsheet <1% vs. Buy and Hold. July worked out to be a good month. All funds finished on a positive note. The I fund was the biggest winner followed by the the 30,35,35 fund. Below are the numbers.

Month ending 7/30

<1% $ 99,328.43 (GFCSI 19.38%, 4.87%, 27.04%, 26.53% & 22.19%)
80,5,5,5,5% $101,556.93 (GFCSI)
30,35,35% $ 98,622.12 (CSI)
G-100% $101,807.42
F-100% $106,397.97
C-100% $ 98,311.28
S-100% $104,116.34
I-100% $ 93,394.34

Difference between June & July

<1% $5,652.53
80,5,5,5,5% $1,356.72
30,35,35% $7,496.26
G-100% $229.36
F-100% $1,127.25
C-100% $6,436.94
S-100% $6,810.31
I-100% $9,090.19

Month ending 6/30
<1% $ 93,675.90 (GFCSI 22.64%, 5.17%, 25.69%, 25.76% & 20.74%)
80,5,5,5,5% $100,200.21 (GFCSI)
30,35,35% $ 91,125.87 (CSI)
G-100% $101,578.06
F-100% $105,270.73
C-100% $ 91,874.34
S-100% $ 97,306.03
I-100% $ 84,304.16
I know that the fund managers make adustments to the closing numbers after the market closes but does it seem fishy that the I fund closed at a plus .09% but ends up showing a 15 cent loss (-0.80%). I know it is Fair Value adjustment and the Asian market was down and the European market was shaky, but that was a pretty good adjustment.
i'm with you on that! i don't understand exactly how that happens, but it seems like they get there cake and eat it too. the other day when the I funnd was up over 3% I woyuld have thought that the dollar increase for the fund should have been higher, but no they clipped it. just my opinion.