nasa1974's Account Talk

Ok, I'm afraid to ask what I'm missing here, can you explain it to me?

Why did they have to say, "your hypothetical spouse". Either you have a spouse, or you don't. Do they assume we are all that stupid and use "hypothetical". :banana:
Yesterday hurt a little bit. Hoping for a profitable day today to start off February on a good note. January has given me some hope. I'm only 5 figures down (high 5) from my high point of November 2021. I sure don't expect to gain all that back this year, but I hope 2023 is nothing like 2022.
As most of you, I got an email early this morning from TSP signed by the Executive Director Ravi Deo. The last paragraph in the letter made me laugh.

"I can assure you that we are dedicated to our mission, and we will continue looking for ways to serve you better. Even as the number of participants we serve approaches 7 million, we are committed to improving your experience with the TSP and helping you achieve your retirement goals".

In every survey they send out I write something like "The only thing you can do to improve our experience is to give us more IFT's and do away with the archaic 12 noon cut off time" I put that in every message box, no matter what the question is referring to. Interesting how they never address that topic in their questions.
Ravi is a Fat Clown who got his position because he follows the Process and sticks to the Script like a good boy. He doesn't give a rats ass about the TSP participants and their number one request to have more than 2 moves a month.
They claim it's too expensive to do so, but at the same time the current people in charge are spending BILLIONS & BILLIONS & BILLIONS (our tax money) on everything else, so how can that be????
Also (while I'm on a rant here), the Gov. gives you $7,500.00 if you buy an electric car. Again, my tax money. Why am I paying for someone else's car??????
Anyway........ If Ravi put any effort into anything, they could figure out a way to get us more than 2 moves a month. You'd think that someone sucking 280K a year out of the gov could figure that out, but he's just a hack.

The funny thing is they tells us it will cost more money if they give us more IFT's. Out of all the folks in the TSP program what percentage actually uses their 2 IFT's or even 1 IFT a month?
I haven't done an IFT since April of 2020. Now if I had 4 IFT's a month I would probably use a couple once in a while but definitely not 4 a month for a whole year. Just saying.
So, with most of the government off because of President's Day the market wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. I guess it could have been worse. Le's hope Tuesday gives us a little green.
Well, the rollercoaster ride continues. Gave back Wednesday and Thursdays profits and then some. The sticky pants are starting to chaff. I sure hope I don't have to put on the depends as well. Although that might help with the chaffing.

Can the "S" fund stay green for the rest of the day??? If it does we finish the week off in the green and have two days in a row. Ouija board not saying and the magic 8 ball is out for repair.
