nasa1974's Account Talk

From the Jan Minutes:

" Mr. Long then discussed Mr. Petrick's report
entitled "Gross and Net Expenses 2004-2008" (attached). In
2008, the cost of running the TSP was 4.3 basis points. The net
impact to participants is 1.8 basis points which is up fourtenths​
of one basis point over last year - a miniscule amount."

Weren't costs supposed to go way down when they limited IFTs?:cool:

Looking for some information. This will be off the subject this forum generally covers.

Here goes. I have had Time Warner Cable and internet for a few years now and I am pretty satisfied but have had some minor issues lately. I now have WOW and AT&T U-verse being offered. I have been thinking of switching to AT&T. I have one HD-TV but will be using 4 other boxes ( 2 regular CRT tv's and 2 multimedia computers). Looking for comments.

Well the market has passed throught the first magic hour. Just 3 more to go. Nnutt, where is the rally monkey??? :D
The S&P teased the 805 mark all day and then late day it blew through the roof. Asia looking strong so far this morning but Europe is mixed. But what will the American market do today?:confused: A pull back would be expected, but how bad will it be and how much will the market react to the congessional hearings with Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner talking about their knowledge of the AIG bonuses. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
The S&P teased the 805 mark all day and then late day it blew through the roof. Asia looking strong so far this morning but Europe is mixed. But what will the American market do today?:confused: A pull back would be expected, but how bad will it be and how much will the market react to the congessional hearings with Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner talking about their knowledge of the AIG bonuses. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I have a interesting problem that I'm trying to solve while drinking my coffee. I'll post it in the other thread. Let me know your thoughts ! ;)
A marvelous day of course - the VIX is subject to crack its' 200 day MA today and drift below 41.02. The real action should start after the noon hour.
What a roller coaster ride yesterday and I am not talking about the stock market but emotions. Most of the morning yesterday was JOY! JOY! JOY! Market hoovering around 2%. :D Then after lunch the market starts to fall closer to 1%. But that is OK we are still green and the TSP world is still HAPPY. :) Then by 2:30 everything goes red. What the hell just happened. Disbelief sets in. :( I leave my first job and head off to my second job wondering how far the market may drop be the end of the day. I get home from my second job and check the tracker and it is JOY! JOY! JOY! again because the market rallied.

I do not know how many more of these I can take.:nuts: