As we get ready for the last two trading days of 2019 we deffinetly have had a better year than 2018. So I thought I would throw out some numbers and use them for what you may. Tom's tag line is "friends don't let friends buy and hold" which held true for the top 10 in the AutoTracker, #10 is 32.15% YTD with 9 IFT's YTD and #1 is 35.95% YTD with 9 IFT's YTD and the IFT's ranged from 9 to 22 YTD. I don't know if these members did multiple IFT's last year but the top 10 all had negative numbers for 2018 ranging from 4.58% to 19.96%.
So what about the buy and holders for this year and what did 2018 look like? The first number is for 2019 and the second number is for 2018.
"G" 2.22% 2.91%
"F" 8.83% 0.15%
"C" 31.80% 4.41%
"S" 28.06% 9.26%
"I" 22.83% 13.43%
"L" 7.65% 0.71%
"L2020" 9.45% 0.36%
"L2030" 17.78% 3.58%
"L2040" 20.91% 4.89%
"L2050" 23.59% 6.02%
I will have to do a little digging to find past year totals. I know I have something on a thumb drive or at work for "G through I" but I don't think I tracked the "L" funds. Maybe someone else might have the information readily available.
Anyway, hope you had a good 2019 and a better 2020.